Another product of the McNamara-Ficano machine, and the only candidate more corrupt than the incompetent incumbent Bob Ficano. That’s your frontrunner for Wayne County Executive, Warren Evans.
If you agree picking the right leader to clean up Ficano’s mess is important, please SHARE this video. It sums up the record of Warren Evans, the candidate of the Ficano-Duggan political machine and crooked big donors like Matty Moroun for Wayne County Executive. The smooth operator who’s been getting a k pension since way before he was Sheriff, back when he found a new and innovative way to manipulate the system to start collecting early — in 1997. Who privatized juvenile justice under Ed McNamara so he and his brother could get rich running the Blanche Kelso Bruce Academies, and now has horse ranches in two states, both outside Wayne County. We all deserve better.
The Daily Politics team asks the question if the UK’s politicians should pay back the crooked expenses claims.
Recorded from The Daily Politics, 19 October 2009.
Frank Wood says
January 19, 2016 at 2:20 AManother no name ad, get some balls and put a name to it,
britdog01 says
January 19, 2016 at 3:12 AMThe crooks making their own rules, and laws for them.
They truely are a beast, and their true colours show, and will never be forgotten.