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From Wall Street and US finance to conspiracies and the latest global news covering a potential World War 3 and Elite government cover – ups and much more,AKNewsflash is the place to be.The world is turning into a wild place and certain aspects of reports go un noticed therefore i am here to keep u up on the most important stories around the world.Due to the Population of the world growing at an alarming rate, The Elite are finding it hard to keep control of the public,Rising Gold and Diamond Prices to rise in prices for oil and petrol. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Insurance companies are hiking prices and tax is at an extortionate rate. How is the Globe to survive. The Monopoly of Arab States run by dictators is coming to an end as people want democracy but onthe other hand, The people who have democracy are being enslaved by the global elite. Both are at war and there is no sign of it ever stopping, However if we are good one another then maybe that is a start. Pakistan to England, Paris to New York, We are all in this world together.We talk about subjects such as wwIII,china,infowars,bilderberg,elite,inflation, The food prices are rising, oil price, oil, petrol, food shortage, all these problems are being caused by the freemasonsagenda. Fema camp,are popping up everywhere which means we are preparing for martial law. We will also talk about britain, england and the royal family.David icke and prison planet are also discussed. No one wants Martial Law or a policed state but with the rise in food prices and the ever changing technology, we are forced to disobey and be monitored by surveillance. This is the alternative media and is non biased, therefore you will see both sides of the argument in the battle of good v evil. Millions of people are dying around the Globe and with 21st century technology, the news is only a finger tip away. From the Current crisis in Syria to the Global Economy collapse, TheAlternativeNews aims to stay with you the whole way and inform you on these issues and many more issues as Mass Manipulation, Killers of War duty,symptoms,injury benefit,corruption,auto insurance quotes, that are being over priced.Reports from info wars will be discussed,water filtration will all be spoken about and tips on how to survive nukes, nuclear, army, military attacks will also be Told.Unbiased Reports from rt,russiatoday,alternative media will give you an idea on subjects including war,subliminal messages and capitalism. We need a revolution, as stand against the ELITE. We needour free speech and neither Europe, usa, politics, or any dictators can stop us from this rebel, protest, Movement. The crisis on wall street, will change America Just like 911, 9/11 in new York did. Therefore, Forget the bullion or the investment.The Illuminati and NWO are subjects we tackle as well as Fighting in the Middle East between Muslims,Jews and Christians.Please subscribe and support us and we will do our best to keep you informed. Lets all Live Love And Find our Hearts to make and create a better world before its too late.
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5 Formulas to become a corrupt politicians by Boman Irani. Watch this tutorial to become a competitive corrupt politician.
Bhoothnath Returns takes Bhoothnath’s story forward. As he returns to ‘Bhoot World’ he is greeted with taunts and condemnation from other ghosts. It is directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar and Renu Ravi Chopra.
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Badzo Ferari says
December 11, 2015 at 6:30 PMF…ck you uk system.
John Dawson says
December 11, 2015 at 7:10 PMThe illusion of democracy , our political sytem is criminal, corrupt , a farce . Guilty of the incitement to hate those on benefits , there latest scape goats, illegal wars , the murder of innocent families , corperate manslaughter , I,D,Smith's s.s. nazzi style attack on the venerable .. Yes you have a choice when you vote ,,,,, get beaten to death ,shot or hung ,,,whoever you vote for ,they only serve themselves and their masters ,,,corperate giants that have taken over our world … They voted to keep using Bee killing pesticides for God's sake …… Evil is the only word for it … suited and booted deciples of evil.
As Iff says
December 11, 2015 at 7:15 PMFuck you UK government, fuck you HMRC, i'm now giving up my business, going to sign on , going to put my name on the housing list, and going to duck and dive a bit, fuck you very much
martin evans says
December 11, 2015 at 7:43 PMwhere the police
Akub Azad says
December 11, 2015 at 8:31 PMPoli tics = bloodsucking parasites…
neil freeman says
December 11, 2015 at 8:39 PMPolitics in the U.K is toxic.
LegalOccupier100 says
December 11, 2015 at 9:02 PMCon-men who cannot be trusted or believed..
No one should go next or near a poling station
miguel palacios says
December 11, 2015 at 9:32 PMis hard to deal whit this liches all lawyers bs now is the time for my brothers britons to act properly no destruccion of property yes stop working bringk the hall criminal justes to the end escrap them relice prisioners compesate ther familis put mony in peple packet is time for a cup whit out kiling no bady will be have a happy new year stop the war ligalise drugs thas all ok liches all over the world desapir that mafia is finis to all involt whit ther familis grampa to grand sond workin const
miguel palacios says
December 11, 2015 at 10:01 PMall ours brothers starbing more poor to the point to be came miserables wy ingland where is the mony evridays eviccions more pricioners and the queen is ok jajajaja inglish brothers we need mony in ours pockect ok thats all