Good evening, I’m still reporting on politics.
With the departure of Scott Walker from the Republican presidential race, and Jeb Bush still declining in the polls, the Republican establishment is placing heavy bets on the two major anti-Trump candidates left – Carly Fiorina and Marco Rubio.
Just remember that Rubio was the leader of the Gang of 8 – which supported essentially open borders to undercut the wages of middle class Americans to provide bigger profits for Facebook and Microsoft – oh, and Miss Fiorina’s former employer, HP.
So let’s see if she ever mentions the Gang of 8 in a negative context during her run.
But guess what else he is famous for in the U.S. Senate? He cast the deciding vote that allowed FastTrack to pass 60 to 37.
Oh, and guess what else? Rubio’s staff will still not say whether Senator Rubio actually read the bill – ever!
According to Taylor Brown, a conservative columnist for the influential South Carolina online FITSNews:
“It’s completely irresponsible. If you want to change international business, and commerce in general, for the next 50+ years, you need to know what’s in it. You’d think after the ACA failed so miserably without being read, our Senators would have learned their lesson.”
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.
November 11, 2015 at 2:25 AMRubio bad news, just like Cruz.
Michael Escobar says
November 11, 2015 at 2:59 AMRand Paul is pushing for all congresspersons to read the bills they read. One of the many reasons why I support #Rand2016
John Barleycorn says
November 11, 2015 at 3:46 AMRubio is a plant. He was for NDAA before he was against it.