Democrats Are Stupid When They Don’t Vote, And Republicans Are Stupid When The Do
Oh, Every politician is a crook by definition, and there’s neither one the better of the two
And electronic Voting has the Koch brothers gloating at the thought of all the voters they can screw
And We all must work, and we hate to shirk, but Tuesdays there’s a million things to do
So the right wing votes, and the good guy don’t, and Congress is a tea-bag wrecking crew
And that’s ’cause
Democrats Are Stupid When They Don’t Vote, And Republicans Are Stupid When They Do
Democrats Are Stupid When They Don’t Vote, And Republicans Are Stupid When They Do
When All is said and done we’re in the same boat, it’s a battle just to paddle your canoe
When Democrats Are Stupid When They Don’t Vote, And Republicans Are Stupid When They Do
Republicans are fools! They don’t believe in public schools — they don’t believe that corporations need rules
And even when they’re jobless and can barely pay the rent, Republicans all vote like they were in the 1 %
Now I know some Democrats love wars — and some can’t get enough nuclear waste!
I know some blue-dog Democrats are shameless corporate whores
And all them also need to be replaced.
But if you think not voting is the way to solve the problem — Hello! It’s the clue phone! It’s for you!
Yeah! Democrats are stupid when they don’t vote, and Republicans are stupid when they do –Everybody!
Democrats are stupid when they don’t vote and Republicans are stupid when they do
Democrats are stupid when they don’t vote and Republicans are stupid when they do
So if you love the Middle Class, and The Constitution, America! And the Red, White, and Blue!– Remember:
Democrats are stupid when they don’t vote, and Republicans are stupid when they do
Less then 40 % of America votes! With that kind of turnout — who needs the Kochs?
How can we even know if our system is broken till that missin’ 60 % has spoken
Rise up! Detach!
From the couch potato patch
Detox from Fox
Occupy the ballot box
Butch up! Get hot!
Show what We The People Got!
Jog to rock the voter roles
And get you but down to the poles
Exercise Democracy,
And Vote away hypocrisy
You unlock all grid-lock you see to
Flex Your Vote
Why give billionaires as pass?
Throw the right out on their gas!
Vote to save the Middle Class —
Flex your vote!
When Democracy is fit that supercharged Electorate is gonna clean House! — Clean the Senate too!
Oh and Occupy – you know we would be so unwise if we don’t vote
Because republicans are stupid — and they do
Vote! Exercise Democracy — everybody wins
Vote! Exercise Democracy — everybody wins
Cory Mck says
December 28, 2015 at 2:34 AMWords to live by 🙂
Pinner Blinn says
December 28, 2015 at 3:24 AMThe inimitable Atom struts his stuff!
RobbMoss says
December 28, 2015 at 4:05 AMThe whole world should see this, and take it to heart!