Sick of LYING POLITICIANS? This is the song for you.
Crooked Politicians, This song was created out of being frustrated with these lying crooked politicians. A never ending story.
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Written & Produced by Nate Smoove
Rants by Alfonzo Rachel
They’re called “ghosts on the payroll”, people who get a paycheck but don’t come to work. After an anonymous tip, Scott Lewis caught a Detroit City Councilman with two “ghosts” on his payroll. The story prompted an FBI probe that sent the councilman to prison.
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When politicians in Metro Detroit saw Scott Lewis heading their way with a camera they knew it wasn’t going to be a good day. Holding government officials accountable is an important role for an investigative reporter and nobody did it like Scott.
PellmanSensei says
November 18, 2015 at 6:38 PMThis song had me up and crip-walking! I didn't even know I knew HOW to crip-walk. THAT'S how much I like this tune. Think I just discovered my favourite rapper!!!
cowgirlmoon says
November 18, 2015 at 7:32 PMRght on, Nate!!!!! Sharing!
GodDamnOmeriKKKa says
November 18, 2015 at 8:02 PMScum-O-crats be racist scum!