Great Job!
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Here’s the exclusive audio interview from the Muslim African cab driver with this powerful conversation as we were discussion on:
Feminism, Hillary Clinton as female president,
Women’s rights, gay marriage,
crooked politics and growing your own crops.
Also, put on your headphones and turn up the truth at full volume.
#obama #jobless #feminist #immorality #gaymarriage #homosexual #feminism #womenrights #hillaryclinton #blackmenabroad #liberals #conservatives #politics #leftwing #rightwing #donaldtrump #womanpresident #voting #jebbush #berniesanders #Democrats #Republicans #share #repost #themosttalkedabout #bankers #stupidamericans #vote #passport #blackmenvent
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Dylan Imperi says
December 15, 2015 at 2:32 AMSounds like The Screamers.
jebril says
December 15, 2015 at 3:12 AMHaha I remember this song, it was kewl for the first 5 times I heard it.