Louisiana: A History of Cronyism and Corruption From the early 1800’s to present day, Louisiana is infamous for its corrput political history. But times, they are a-changin’! There ARE other options than the current career politicians! Video Rating: / 5 Sharmila Farooqi daughter of Usman Farooqi former Chairman of Pakistan Steel Mills who was charged […]
Jesse Ventura US should abolish inherently corrupt political parties.flv
as above Video Rating: / 5 Indonesia’s political parties are often forced to turn to corrupt ways to raise funds as membership fees, state budget and public donations are simply not enough to fill party coffers. Channel NewsAsia’s Deviant Faridz has this report. Video Rating: / 5
Yankee Doodle ( American Patriotic Song )
“Yankee Doodle” is a well-known Anglo-American song, the origin of which dates back to the Seven Years’ War. It is often sung patriotically in the United States today and is the state anthem of Connecticut Yankee Doodle (Lyrics) Yankee Doodle went to town, A-riding on a pony, He stuck a feather in his hat And […]
The most corrupt political party in the world – it was real!!!
The NaMo India – Facebook page posted that entering “The Most Corrupt Political Party in the World” would return the Wikipedia page of the Indian National Congress as its first result. I thought I would verify it myself… धेरैलाई लाग्छ नेतालाई भनसुन नगरी कुनै काम बन्दैन । हुन पनि भ्रष्टचार सम्वन्धी पछिल्लो पटक सार्वजनिक एउटा […]
[157] Workers’ Call to Action, Ag Gagging Whistleblowers, & Congress Cuts Poor for Parking
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Minimum Wage, May Day Protests, Ag Gag Laws, and Congress Sequestering the Poor. LIKE Breaking the Set @ http://fb.me/BreakingTheSet FOLLOW Abby Martin @ http://twitter.com/AbbyMartin EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin highlights workers strikes and walk-outs in the US, emphasizing the need for the minimum […]
A record number of poor Americans, in the shadow of US vote
Election rhetoric in the US is focused on the middle class, but it is America’s poorest — a group that has grown over the past four years — who stand to be most affected by the vote.Duration: 02:52
Opinions About Political Corruption can Vary
Unless political corruption is extremely blatant, it may go basically unnoticed in some camps. There are always a few things in the United States that capture people’s attention but in other countries it may be viewed as business as usual. The fact is that it can be found almost anywhere. People who are […]
Heather Brooke: My battle to expose government corruption
Our leaders need to be held accountable, says journalist Heather Brooke. And she should know: Brooke uncovered the British Parliamentary financial expenses that led to a major political scandal in 2009. She urges us to ask our leaders questions through platforms like Freedom of Information requests — and to finally get some answers. TEDTalks is […]
House to Vote on Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act
At a press conference today, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) announced that the House will vote on the Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act tomorrow — legislation that will help create tens of thousands of new American jobs, while providing relief to Americans bearing the brunt of Washington Democrats’ failed economic policies.