Subscribe! In the first month of 2015, three separate high-ranking United States government officials made headlines after being publicly accused of accepting bribes. In September, one of them, the now ex-governor of Virginia, was convicted on these charges. So, where is the line between lobbying and bribery? Definitions used By permission. From Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate® […]
Arvind Kejriwal, politician, warns corrupt leaders to ‘count their days’
“This is your party, not mine,” said activist Arvind Kejriwal this evening as he launched his political party in Delhi. The party will be christened on November 26, but its founder shared some of its rules today: it will not allow elected representatives to use government accommodation, security, or the lal batti or red beacons […]
Trinidad and Tobago: Jack Warner ¿‘Robin Hood’ or Corrupt Politician?
Residents of Trinidad and Tobago have mixed feelings about former FIFA Vice President Jack Warner. Some believe he is a kind of ‘Robin Hood’ while others accuse him of dragging the country’s name through the mire. In a telephone interview with Cody Weddle, journalist Jabari Fraser confirms that allegations of Warner stealing Haiti relief funds […]
Is this politician corrupt? You decide!
Detroit had Kwame Kilpatrick, Virginia had Bob McDonnell and now it seems Western Pennsylvania has Rich Fitzgerald, Chief Executive of Allegheny County. In the 3-plus years in office as the powerful political leader east of Harrisburg, he has found himself the subject of various probes and critiques into alleged nefarious and ethically questionable activities. In […]
Evil Corrupt Politician
Jimmy Dore introduces Ben Mankiewicz , Stefane Zamorano, Robert Yasumura. Jimmy Dore covers various topics, Need for Speed, Obama’s Interview with Zach Galifianakis, Edward Snowden, CPAC, and much more. Video Rating: / 5
Vishal confronts corrupt politician – Satyam Kollywood.. Anytime, Anywhere! Video Rating: / 5 Abhishek Anand the protagonist of the film is harassed by the corrupt politician & his career is destroyed. Abhishek Anand then converts into a Pandit, a goon who only fights with corrupt politician and his brothers to take revenge. To watch more log on to For […]
LA Times June 18, 2015
Ukrainian Mob Tosses Corrupt Politician Into Dumpster Are US politicians corrupt? politician corrupt US USA McCain Barack Obama Ron Paul George Bush Palin Couric bailout martial law recession
Ukrainians threw one corrupt politician into the rubbish dump outside the parliament………..
Ukrainians threw one corrupt politician into the rubbish dump outside the parliament…………!!! Pls pass this on till it happens in India. Wow… When will this happen in India — Video Rating: / 5 “A major character in a legendary congressional corruption scandal has been hiding out by the docks in Baltimore under an assumed name […]
Corrupt Politicians – So You Want To Be A Politician
How to be a corrupt politician. A game show satire where contestants win prizes to help them become a corrupt politician. The show gives away prize packages to the Obfuscation Training Institute where they learn how to use political spin, and talking points in addition to manipulating the media and the number one tactic what […]