“Just what does Hillary stand for?” For a politician who has been a public figure more than 30 years, spent months running for the White House only eight years ago and published more than 1,100 pages of autobiography over two volumes, there ought to be plenty of evidence to help pundits decide. But Clinton has […]
Political row over the alligations of Justice Markandey Katju on corrupt justice in supreme court
There was an additional judge of the Madras high court against whom there were several allegations of corruption. He had been directly appointed as a district judge in Tamil Nadu, and during his career as district judge there were as many as eight adverse entries against him recorded by various portfolio judges of the Madras […]
Telugu Political News – Huge Fraud In Congress Scheme Indira Jala Prabha (TV5)
Huge Fraud In Congress Scheme Indira Jala Prabha Video Rating: / 5 Men removing ballot boxes from the William S. Vare – William B. Wilson Pennsylvania senate election from truck at the Capitol, Washington, D.C., January 1927.- Explore PA History
White Revolution no 32: Part Two – The Fraud of the Political System
PRESS CAPTIONS FOR SUBTITLES. https://reverendmatthalearchive.wordpress.com/ * * * My Brothers and Sisters, I’m very happy that you came to listen today. You showed an open mind. I want people to have open minds, and think about these issues. To think about the truth, to think about reality. The television media has a field day denouncing […]
Fox Fraud – (same theme – different facts) – Political commentary/speech via visual media.
Unethical journalism. If you’re a journalist for Fox you have sullied yourself in a quagmire of filthy ethical principals. Shame. Hey guys, please subscribe and check out http://letmypeoplevote2012.com/ Don’t miss anything. ever. http://bit.ly/T8XCGo Thanks to Awkward Family Photos for the use of some of their photos. Check them out! http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com/ Like Sarah on Facebook: http://full.sc/T8XXsE […]
Jesse Ventura on Abolishing Political Parties, Voter Fraud Myth & The War Economy
Abby Martin features an exclusive interview with former Minnesota Governor, Jesse Ventura, covering everything from the myth of voter fraud to endless war in GAO: ObamaCare exchanges vulnerable to fraud – FoxTV Political News Strategy Room: Nomiki Konst and T.J. McCormack debate flaws in ObamaCare system Video Rating: / 5
How Did LBJ Make His Money? The Disturbing Story of His Political Rise and Corruption (1990)
In 1937, Johnson successfully contested a special election for Texas’s 10th congressional district, that covered Austin and the surrounding hill country. He ran on a New Deal platform and was effectively aided by his wife. He served in the House from April 10, 1937, to January 3, 1949. President Franklin D. Roosevelt found Johnson to […]
Justice Party’s Anderson On Political Corruption | 2012 Third Party Presidential Debate | Ora TV
Rocky Anderson, Justice Party candidate & former Mayor of Salt Lake City, calls out Democratic President Barack Obama & Republican candidate Governor Mitt Romney. Anderson accuses them of failing to curb financial corruption in the American political system during the 2012 Third Party Presidential Debate. The 2012 Third Party Presidential Debate participants include Libertarian Party […]
OMG! Bono gets political – Election Fraud 2008 (1/4)
Bono gets political about election fraud in Louisiana and New Hampshire in the USA. Hear his hosting in a radio show format where he interviews some lady named Beverly Harris of www.blackboxvoting.org about her deeds in caching the voter fraud perps RED HANDED. Bono Rocks! Bono asks us all to help this lady or nothing […]
Ben Stein: What if manmade climate change is a fraud? – FoxTV Political News
Ben Stein: What if manmade climate change is a fraud? – FoxTV Political News Economist and author asks if it’s worth crucifying American workers in the name of a false goal Video Rating: / 5