PRESS CAPTIONS FOR SUBTITLES. * * * My Brothers and Sisters, I’m very happy that you came to listen today. You showed an open mind. I want people to have open minds, and think about these issues. To think about the truth, to think about reality. The television media has a field day denouncing […]
Court Case Public Records Some Proof of Republican Corruption Part 5
Final Part! =D I forgot to add credits and a title though…='( This proves the above allegations in the case of Van Zandt County Texas anyway…although arguably it does apply towards the Republican Party as a whole in my personal opinion…. Video Rating: / 5
Crooked Mayor and his Harleys Part 2 – Shady Politics and Government Disfunction
When Scott Lewis confronted the mayor about his misuse of police motorcycles he tried to shoot down the story. Maybe he should have talked to his underlings first, so they could get their stories straight. Visit Scott: Website Facebook Twitter When politicians in Metro Detroit saw Scott Lewis heading their way with […]
100 Examples of GOP Corruption, Lies, and Ignorance (Part 3)
I am a republican. The behavior of my party over the last 6 years has been deplorable. Their biggest flaw is their failure to admit to their mistakes. They are embroiled in corruption scandal after corruption scandal, yet still have the audacity to deny this “Culture of Corruption”. Fine. I assembled this list of 100 […]
BUSHED! (Part 08) – Bush corruption scandals exposed
Sarah Palin summed up the Republican Party’s turn to Fascism perfectly when she mocked Senator Obama “Terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America … he’s [Obama] worried that someone won’t read them their rights.” I won’t take a back seat to flag-waving Republicans and their “patriotism.” Besides the fact that my son stood […]
Crooked East Baltimore Politics at Appointment Process Part 2
State Central Committee illegal secret ballot when they are suppose to use roll call. Members running should have recuse themselves. Tashea Brodgins relatives to Kevin Parson Video Rating: / 5
Education Reform through Legislative and Government Action Part 2
Panelists explore various legislative and governmental efforts, such as the No Child Left Behind Act and the Race to the Top contest, used to address the achievement gap in education. Hear from government officials, education specialists, and NGO representatives working to address these important issues on a local and statewide basis. Video Rating: / 5 […]
Education Reform through Legislative and Government Action Part 7
Panelists explore various legislative and governmental efforts, such as the No Child Left Behind Act and the Race to the Top contest, used to address the achievement gap in education. Hear from government officials, education specialists, and NGO representatives working to address these important issues on a local and statewide basis. Video Rating: / 5
Education Reform through Legislative and Government Action Part 6
Panelists explore various legislative and governmental efforts, such as the No Child Left Behind Act and the Race to the Top contest, used to address the achievement gap in education. Hear from government officials, education specialists, and NGO representatives working to address these important issues on a local and statewide basis. Video Rating: / 5
Education Reform through Legislative and Government Action Part 3
Panelists explore various legislative and governmental efforts, such as the No Child Left Behind Act and the Race to the Top contest, used to address the achievement gap in education. Hear from government officials, education specialists, and NGO representatives working to address these important issues on a local and statewide basis. Video Rating: / 5