**We STRONGLY recommend against trying to locate and explore this facility, more so than usual. You can be held and charged with a federal crime if caught doing so. Parts of this campus have been taken back to be used for federal use!!** The roots of this hospital date all the way back to the […]
A Constitutional Convention for California? Robert Stern, Center for Governmental Studies
A Constitutional Convention for California? “Reform of the Initiative Process” Robert Stern, Center for Governmental Studies. A public forum on the possibility of the first constitutional convention in California since 1879. The Broad Stage, Santa Monica College. July 17th, 2009. (Filming by Dutch Merrick, www.anotherway.tv/) http://www.cgs.org http://www.repaircalifornia.org http://www.smmirror.com/MainPages/DisplayArchiveArticle.asp?eid=10563 http://www.smdp.com/Articles-c-2009-07-16-60752.113116_A_government_of_the_people_and_by_the_people.html http://www.surfsantamonica.com/ssm_site/the_lookout/letters/Letters-2009/July-2009/07_16_09_OPINION_Call_for_a_California_Constitutional_Convention.html http://www.smmirror.com/MainPages/DisplayArticleDetails.asp?eid=10600 Video Rating: / 5 […]
Alicia Giron Discusses Mexican Governmental Reforms
Anchor Phillip Yin and Alicia Giron, a professor at the National University of Mexico, discuss Mexican governmental reforms. Video Rating: / 5
Villupuram citilamataint the attention of the governmental buildings: the public demands to reform
Villupuram citilamataint the attention of the governmental buildings: the public demands to reform CLICK THE LINK BELOW FOR LATEST NEWS UPDATES http://puthiyathalaimurai.tv/ Video Rating: / 5
The Case For Governmental Reform
“Nothing other than our education system is so blatantly archaic yet no one is talking about it.” Thomas Daly spells out the reasons why he thinks our governmental system needs a major overhaul, and gives us a couple of ideas on how he would go about it. Subscribe to TYT Nation www.youtube.com/user/tytnation Subscribe to The […]
Meir Dagan | Status Briefing on Iran & Electoral and Governmental Reform in Israel
Meir Dagan shares with the BINA community his experience as former Director of the Mossad and discusses his insights for electoral and governmental reform in Israel. Approximately 10 bills calling for a controversial regional elections in Israel, were presented to the Knesset between 1958 and 1988 and were all rejected by small parties. Mr. Dagan […]