NOTE: initially this video had 2,3,4 then 5 likes and 0 dislikes…. then all of a sudden dislikes jumped from 0 to 10. watch and decide for yourself which were fabricated – TRANSCRIPT portion: In order for us to unite, we need to identify the fraud activists who are stealing the spotlight and causing division: […]
Roland Martin Says Donald Trump Is Politically Ridiculous And A Political Fraud
Roland Martin and Will Cain joined Kyra Phillips in the CNN Newsroom to discuss Romney’s comments about not being concerned with the poor and Donald Trump’s endorsement of Mitt. Video Rating: / 5 27 August – The head of the International Monetary Fund is being investigated over her alleged role in a political fraud case. […]
The Srebrenica Massacre was a Gigantic Political Fraud – Dr Edward Herman
– The Srebrenica massacre, actually I always put it in quote marks, because actually there were lots of massacres in the Srebrenica area, the one before July 1995 there were vast numbers of Serbs killed by Muslim, Bosnian Muslim, forces who went out of Srebrenica. One estimate is that there were more than 150 Serbs […]
“Political Fraud” by ClassWarFilms
Hard look behind the curtain, stopping the corporatocracy, revolution, political reality In statements by Golden Dawn’s spokesperson to State television, the Movement answered to the ridiculous Varoufakis serial, which for days now the media have been airing, in an effort to distract public opinion, as the Troika occupies government agencies and implements the burdensome Memorandum. […]