Global warming is an issue we all need to be concern and be aware about, but in my community the politicians have taken it a step further, they are trying to blame almost every thing now on global warming In a case of poor urban planning, without addressing this issue which is really causing the […]
Crooked I – Hood Politics
In case you didn’t know Crooked I is dropping a mixtape soon, Block Obama. And here is a taste of what’s to come Video Rating: / 5 Crooked I – Hood Politics From “Block Obama”
Crooked I – Hood Politics
Hood Politics
DemocRat Wears a Wire to Rat out his Fellow Crooked Politicians
New York is ruled by a criminal class whose motto is, ‘Where’s mine?’ and whose members expect the answer in cash’ — and top elected leaders are shamefully enabling the rampant corruption. The Bronx state assemblyman’s corruption scandal proves politics can sink to new lows, as politicians with rap sheets are allowed to work in […]