Lobbyist should have the right to make signs, march and protest. Outlaw a lobbyists and corporate contributions to political candidates, it should be possible? Is it really the Corporation’s fault for a corrupt government? After all, if you do not play the game in Washington, DC and support through political contributions the political infrastructure then […]
Corruption of the Republican Party
In this weekly video news update for May 7-13, 2012, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses Ron Paul and the Republican Party; Canada goes penniless; Al Qaeda still a Russian asset; Jobless students pose a problem; and Recall in Wisconsin and syndicalism.
SHOCKING! BANNED In America! EXPOSING Obama Would Reveal The Depth Of US Government Corruption
Shocking! Banned In America! Exposing Obama Would Reveal The Depth Of US Government Corruption http://beforeitsnews.com/story/2389/067/Shocking_Banned_In_America_Exposing_Obama_Would_Reveal_The_Depth_Of_US_Government_Corruption.html Wake Up My People! “COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE” We’ll soon see Zion Praise “AHAYAH” Video Rating: / 5
POLL: 75% In U.S. See ‘Widespread Government Corruption’
These figures are higher than some might expect, and while the lack of improvement is somewhat disconcerting, the positive takeaway is that Americans still feel fairly free to criticize their government. This is not the case in some parts of the world. Questions about corruption are so sensitive in some countries that even if Gallup […]
Government and New World Order corruption EXPOSED By WOLVOMAN80
http://wolvoman80.co.uk PLANET EARTH Documentery by WOLVOMAN80 2013 New world Order ILLUMINATI A MYTH? Barrack Obama, David Cameron, USA, EU, UN, CNN, BBC, FOX, News corp, Murdoch Exposed . Modern day corporation slavery by Apple, ipads, ipods, microsoft xbox 360, Walt Disney, Tesco, Walmart, Bill Gates on vaccines, and population control, Starving children and greedy Billion […]
Louisiana: A History of Corruption- Milton Gordon US Senate #25
Louisiana: A History of Cronyism and Corruption From the early 1800’s to present day, Louisiana is infamous for its corrput political history. But times, they are a-changin’! There ARE other options than the current career politicians! Video Rating: / 5 Sharmila Farooqi daughter of Usman Farooqi former Chairman of Pakistan Steel Mills who was charged […]
Opinions About Political Corruption can Vary
Unless political corruption is extremely blatant, it may go basically unnoticed in some camps. There are always a few things in the United States that capture people’s attention but in other countries it may be viewed as business as usual. The fact is that it can be found almost anywhere. People who are […]
Heather Brooke: My battle to expose government corruption
Our leaders need to be held accountable, says journalist Heather Brooke. And she should know: Brooke uncovered the British Parliamentary financial expenses that led to a major political scandal in 2009. She urges us to ask our leaders questions through platforms like Freedom of Information requests — and to finally get some answers. TEDTalks is […]
Former CIA Officer Robert Steele On U.S. Government Corruption. Nevada Governor 2014 VanDerBeek
Corruption In Mexico
Some TV anchors – Lou Dobbs among them – have signaled the immense corruption reigning at all levels of government in Mexico. One area in particular has suffered huge losses due to that concept since its nationalization in 1938: the oil industry. “One reason is a rottenness at Pemex’s core. The company loses at least […]