“Cronyism,” a new rallying cry in all political quarters, is now being offered as a reason not only to restrict free speech but to impose “income equality” on the grounds that the rich obtain their wealth only through “gaming” the system. Is there any truth to the claims that our government is corrupt and cronyism […]
BUSHED! (Part 08) – Bush corruption scandals exposed
Sarah Palin summed up the Republican Party’s turn to Fascism perfectly when she mocked Senator Obama “Terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America … he’s [Obama] worried that someone won’t read them their rights.” I won’t take a back seat to flag-waving Republicans and their “patriotism.” Besides the fact that my son stood […]
USA: Armed militia defend Bundy ranch from “government corruption”
Video ID: 20140424 003 M/S Jonathan Q. Logan shooting rifle bushmaster C/U Jonathan Q. Logan shooting rifle bushmaster M/S Target M/S Jonathan Q. Logan shooting rifle bushmaster C/U Jonathan Q. Logan shooting rifle bushmaster M/S Jonathan Q. Logan shooting rifle bushmaster SOT, Jonathan Q. Logan, militia member (in English): “Right now we are in an […]
Government Corruption In America
Every politician is corrupt. This should be no surprise to you. I’m gonna offend a lot of you. You probably don’t know this.. nor’ do you probably care.. but I’m against big government.. for various reasons. It should be no surprise to you that most of our politicians are corrupt.. if not all of them. […]
Papantonio: House GOP Votes For Corruption
This segment originally aired on the July 6th, 2014 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. The Republican-controlled House recently passed a massive a bill that not only guts the Dodd Frank bill, but also includes massive giveaways to the Koch brothers. On top of that, John Boehner has decided to sue President […]
Rat Trap – Boomtown Rats – End Political Fraud, Corruption And Stop New World Order Policy
Please remember to visit http://www.youtube.com/user/shreddedsociety and sign her petition. Still holding strong today, and like its counterpart American Idiod speaks out about the entrapment of our modern world. Though not aimed specifically at Politics the underlying currents cannot be missed. Walk Don’t Walk, Talk Don’t Talk, an early insight of the New World Order perhaps? […]
Highlights of another great James Corbett interview (CorbetReport.com) — Former FBI Sibel Edmonds (BoilingFrogsPost.com). Intelligent, insightful and informed explanation of systemic government failure. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE Video Rating: / 5 Chris Hedges calls us to action, to create a new political movement to replace our corrupt government and obsolete economic institutions, building on what’s begun by […]
OBAMA’s Scandals, Corruption, & Decline➡ GOP Closer to Win Back The Senate
“Right now, nothing is getting done in the Senate because Harry Reid and President Obama won’t allow Republicans and Democrats to vote on consequential issues,” Mr. Barrasso said. “If Republicans were in charge, the Senate would actually listen to the American people and work to solve important problems.” Demonizing Congress and specifically the Republicans for […]
Anger Erupts At Convention Due To GOP Corruption
The GOP showed how corrupt their Party is after the way they treated Ron Paul and his supporters this past year. Sad that they won’t win any over to vote for Mitt Romney!
Government Corruption USA, Stopped By “We The People!”
Informative videos on US government corruption targeted at American citizens under 18: Uncle Tom Horne’s Cabin (28 min): http://youtu.be/BgFtDIUR_aU Schoolchildren rights (90 sec): http://youtu.be/g31oZj1wpxM Arizona Victory. First State to Abolish CPS through AZ Op! activism (17 min): Arizona Governor Jan Brewer issues an Executive Order abolishing CPS, Monday, Janurary 13, 2014, indicating that I could […]