Court Case Public Records Some Proof of Republican Corruption Part 5
Final Part! =D I forgot to add credits and a title though…='( This proves the above allegations in the case of Van Zandt County Texas anyway…although arguably it does apply towards the Republican Party as a whole in my personal opinion…. Video Rating: / 5
US government corruption
Please subscribe to our Vonvo Youtube Channel Below : ) http://www.youtube.com/user/vonvodotcom?feature=mhee On March 17th Vonvo hosted a discussion on recent US Budget Cuts and the corruption that is filling up the US government. Video Rating: / 5
James Risen on Obama and government corruption
President Barack Obama’s lengthy record of prosecuting whistleblowers and targeting journalists speaks for itself, according to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist James Risen. Speaking to RT’s Thom Hartmann and Manila Chan, the famed New York Times journalist outlined multiple instances of the government cracking down on dissenters, and also explained how special interests work the system for […]
Jayalalithaa acquitted of corruption charges by Karnataka High Court
The Karnataka High Court has acquitted former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa in a corruption case. The court’s decision impacts the political career of the powerful leader, who can now move to take over as chief minister again. (Audio in Hindi) Watch more videos: http://khabar.ndtv.com/videos?yt
Third Party Politics Problems + Fighting Corruption
Third party and independent politics in America is discussed with congressional candidate Marianne Williamson, and transcending the issues that face parties that aren’t Democrat or Republican. The spiritual and political revolution of independence, and battle against corruption is on display in this interview clip hosted by Sean Stone for Buzzsaw. Watch the full episode here: […]
US government corruption
us government corruption
Democrat Party Corruption Incompetence
Ben Swann Reality Check takes a look at how the Massachusetts GOP have stripped 17 pro-liberty delegates of their credentials. A move that is clearly not legal.
US government has neglected border corruption.
Fred Burton, Vice president for Counterterrorism and Corporate Security for the STRATFOR intelligence company spoke to Al Jazeera on the impact of the US government policy towards drug cartels. Burton says the US government’s focus on fighting terrorism has hindered efforts to combat corruption among US border officials and police. “So many FBI agents have […]