Purchase Tracks Here: Parents’ Choice Gold award-winning Golden Records children’s music collection shows off its stars and stripes with Golden Records American Patriotic Songs! The Golden Orchestra teaches children to express pride in our nation with 20 beautifully orchestrated, traditional patriotic songs and flag-waving anthems for the whole family to enjoy. Popular favorites […]
Secret Weapon for Democratic Party – African American Voters
Song and video to encourage African-American who are the Democratic Party and Pres Obama’s secret weapon for 2010 to go out in record numbers and vote on November 2, 201o. On MSNBC Rep Clyburn stated that Blacks are going to be a secret weapon during midterm election .I could not agree more with Representative Clyburn. […]
What’s More American? patriotic montage
I thought it would be fun to take this wonderful song, sung by Bing Crosby, and set images to it to create a patriotic montage. Hope you enjoy. Video Rating: / 5 Purchase Tracks Here: Parents’ Choice Gold award-winning Golden Records children’s music collection shows off its stars and stripes with Golden Records […]
Greg Walden votes for plan to balance the budget, create American jobs
“The Republican budget actually balances in ten years, and that’s important because that’s how we are going to create significant new jobs in America for the middle class. The Democrats’ budget alternatives never balance. Yet we know their plans raise upwards of a trillion dollars in higher taxes and still never balance the federal budget. […]
Yankee Doodle Went To Town | Nursery Rhymes | American patriotic song | HooplaKidz
Watch HooplaKidz new show – The Adventures Of Annie And Ben Watch the popular American patriotic song “Yankee Doodle Went To Town Nursery Rhymes” by HooplaKidz and have a Hoopla time !!! Lyrics to Sing Along :- ————————————- Yankee Doodle went to town, Riding on a Pony, Stuck a feather in his cap, And […]
American Voter Revolution
It is laughable that just as most Negroes who voted for Obama, thinking he would personally enrich their lives, as it is for White Middle Class Americans who think the Government of today (Republican or Democrat) still has the White Man’s back. Neither are a reality. Race does not matter to THEM. They make it […]
Reveille Patriotic American Veteran Tribute
Soon to be made into the feature film “Capture the Flag,” this Emmy-award winning short is a tribute to all veterans of the armed forces. For more information on the feature film, contact Eric J. Adams at Short written and directed by Adam and Donovan Montrieth (
The American Middle Class: Social Insurance Programs, Economics, Values, Reform (1995)
One of the first major studies of the middle class in America was White Collar: The American Middle Classes, published in 1951 by sociologist C. Wright Mills. Later sociologists such as Dennis Gilbert of Hamilton College commonly divide the middle class into two sub-groups. Constituting roughly 15% to 20% of households is the upper or […]
Classic American Patriotic Kids Songs | Golden Records Presents: American Patriotic Songs For Kids | Patriotic Music for Kids & Family Time
Toby Keith – Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue (The Angry American)
Hope On The Rocks Releases 10/30/2012 Pre-Order on iTunes here! Video Rating: / 5