Read the President’s Plan: http://OFA.BO/MX3Ss8 “Over the next four months you have a choice to make. Not just between two political parties or even two people. It’s a choice between two very different plans for our country. Governor Romney’s plan would cut taxes for the folks at the very top, roll back regulations on big […]
My Name is America by Todd Allen Herendeen- The Official Patriotic Anthem-Super!
THE OFFICIAL VIDEO- Turn it Up and Enjoy! Written by Kurt Orning, “My Name Is America” is a powerful patriotic anthem that speaks to the hearts of Americans. “If the Statue of Liberty Could speak, what would she say?” She has seen dreamers and friends come and go in the harbor, she has […]
America Patriotic songs. Country, Oldies, Big Band, etc
America the Beautiful (Patriotic Song)
“America the Beautiful” by Lee Greenwood. Happy Independence Day, America. “God shed His grace on thee.”
SHOCKING! BANNED In America! EXPOSING Obama Would Reveal The Depth Of US Government Corruption
Shocking! Banned In America! Exposing Obama Would Reveal The Depth Of US Government Corruption Wake Up My People! “COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE” We’ll soon see Zion Praise “AHAYAH” Video Rating: / 5
America and the Elite Theory of Democracy
Mr. Hughes lays a little lovin’ on you in the form of a short summary of the elite theory of government. No not communist propaganda or the Democratic playbook of hamming up class warfare, just an honest analysis of the intention of the founding fathers when drafting the Constitution. Love history? Come “like” / follow […]
Corruption is Legal in America
Learn more at http://Represent.Us/TheProblem, and go to to see our plan and join the Anti-Corruption Movement. Click on “show more” to view our sources. 1. Gilens and Page, “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens,” Perspective on Politics, 2014. 2. Washington Post, “Rich People Rule!” 2014. 3. Washington […]
America Votes: Mitt Romney on the Middle Class
Richard French, Andrew Whitman, Dominic Carter, and political corespondent Bill O’Reilly discuss Mitt Romney and the middle class on Richard French Live. Video Rating: / 5 U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor calling on Senate Democrats to focus on the middle class, not on a poll-tested, campaign-crafted […]