Crime is an action which is against the law. We learn about the crime from the society. As we grow, we get to know the right and wrong thing in our life. In recent years, criminal cases in India have increased and Bihar is one of the notable places of crime. Bihar is always i8nvolved in criminal affairs which is highlighted by Bihar News. Sometimes political news is also part of crime news in Bihar.
Political news is always influenced with negative activities. We can claim that politics and criminal activities are interlinked with each other. The Power factor of politics makes crime predictable. Common person cannot understand politics of India. The Crime news mostly covers the political news and rests the criminal cases of India. Bihar has low literacy level and the center of young population. Money is the vital power for survival. The weaker section needs money for survival and there are lots of attempts made by government uplift the weaker society. Money and moral support is needed for nation which is given by the politician.
Many politicians are responsible for creating a culture of criminal activity to maintain its aptitude over the people of Bihar. There is misunderstanding among the people of Bihar that Political leaders are the angels who will save them from evil controls in Bihar. There are various types of forces existing in Bihar such as the banned the communalist who are the rich landlords rule over Bihar. It is the responsibility of government of Bihar from preventing such ill-legal organization. These organizations achieve their aim by creating fear among the people based on caste and religion. In the other parts of India, the economic situation is booming with the establishment of many industries and multinational companies, but still Bihar has not achieved the economic growth or any developments taken place in Bihar. In many parts of Bihar, still lots of people remain uneducated. It is responsibility of Government to bring changes in Bihar.
It is important to strengthen the society by providing the government aid to the people. It’s been a long time we got independence; we are still in the elementary level. It is hoped that the situation will change as time passes which political news should flash news about it. Bihar News is trying to bring awareness among the people and control crime in Bihar. We are hoping that the political scenario will change and develop our nation. With increase of crime case in India, the crime news also has increased.
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