This article compares the growing consumer market for CCTV surveillance for homes and stores and the larger capability of government and police forces to use closed-circuit security cameras, ostensibly to prevent street crime or terrorism. Technology advances in digital cameras have made video recording accessible to everyone from the teenager with a cell phone to entire national security agencies that compile face recognition and pattern recognition databases that can store information on everyday citizens in case they ever commit a crime in the future. Countries vary in their approach to addressing privacy concerns and the application of personal freedom; Canada is an example of the preservation of freedom while the U.S. and Great Britain are countries where the surveillance cameras are everywhere and video technology has made privacy and freedom of association almost non-existent. Private protection should be the focus of digital observation for video surveillance camera technology is open to widespread abuse.
Video cameras have become so small and affordable that anyone with a good cell phone can capture your movements without your knowledge and upload the video to the Internet. This is normally done for recreation but it could be harmful to post a young graduate’s picture wearing a toilet seat around his neck at a drunken party; potential employers may receive his resume and do a search on the name for clues to his credentials and desirability as a good employee.
Great Britain has long been known to be covered in surveillance cameras for decades. People who have visited always tell stories of the Big Brother atmosphere and the feeling of paranoia that they experienced there. More recently, the laws passed in the U.S. after the successful coup d’etat in 2001 have ushered in a veritable police state. The takeover of the American government has actually been done in stages, but their “false flag” Black Ops attack on their own people on 9/11 instilled enough fear nationwide to get the population to accept the Patriot Act six weeks later, and then the more draconian Homeland Security Act of 2002, which allows the deployment of the armed forces to “keep the peace” on home soil, a concept that was totally repugnant to the founding fathers. The opportunity for abuse by a dictatorship was simply too great. That abuse has now become a reality and any civilian attempt at resistance can now be crushed by America’s official army or its private, Blackwater-type contractor armies. No popular uprising or revolution against the puppet government can succeed since they control the weapons, the intelligence, the food supply, and the money supply. Technology has made it possible for young servicemen and women to sit in air-conditioned trailers in North Carolina with computer game-like controls to guide armed drone aircraft and helicopters to kill people in Pakistan. These weapons could also be programmed to shoot into the streets of Detroit or New York without the knowledge of the operator if a different type of video display is on the screen showing a foreign terrain with overlapping coordinates.
When the elite corporatist powers planned out the demolition of the three World Trade Center buildings (the Twin Towers and Building Seven), their agenda had multiple objectives. There was a need to get the American public to support an invasion of Iraq to prevent Saddam Hussein from converting from the U.S. Dollar to Euros when selling oil, which would have collapsed the economy. The Bush administration used the fear of terrorism, as Mussolini did, to get the population to accept infringement on their rights. Soon after 9/11 airport security made it a frustrating process to travel and security agencies increased in number and size. Heavy-handed police tactics by cops from the IRS, FBI, and hundreds of other U.S. agencies have become significantly worse since 2001 and video surveillance knows no limits.
Canada is quite the opposite. Special events like a G6 Summit where international leaders are present or represented are subject to extra policing of the streets and complete CCTV security on the streets to maintain public order, but on an everyday basis video security cameras are in some parks and on buses to protect drivers. Unless you are a shoplifter or exchanging huge bags of drugs in a public park, the typical Canadian has no fear of infringement of rights provide in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms such as the freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association. Camera-shy citizens in Canada need not fear the type of totalitarianism practiced by our neighbors to the south, at least not until they need our fresh water supply.
Pat Boardman is an SEO consultant writing in respect to Viewtech alarm Toronto and Vancouver a company security cameras , suppliers of intercom systems for residential and commercial use.
From the 2014 album “Cowboys from Ukuhelle”
All rights reserved
Careful with my paper trail
Like a pirate through the torrents I sail
And I make sure the words all rhyme
Because government is organized crime
Finally when I drift to shore
Taxman he asks me for more
He knows my life’s worth more than a dime
Because government is organized crime
Oh lord you got me feelin’ sublime
You know that government is organized crime
Government thought me for a fool
Thought I’d send my kids to school
You know I’d rather be doing time
Because government is organized crime
Next life so I don’t feel no grief
I wanna be an accountant or a lawyer or a thief
And I’ll stay quiet as a mime
Because government is organized crime
Oh lord it is the sign of the times
Government is organized crime
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