New York City, New York
1. Medium shot of man voting at booth
2. Wide shot of voters at polling place
Old Zionsville, Pennsylvania
3. Medium shot of Republican candidate for United States Senate from Pennsylvania Pat Toomey waiting in line with his children to vote
4. Tight shot of Toomey waiting to vote
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Pat Toomey, Republican candidate for United States Senate from Pennsylvania:
“I’m confident and I think our supporters are very energised we have a great, great grassroots network, on the ground in 67 counties in Pennsylvania I think there gonna turn out the vote for us and I think that’s what going to deliver a victory.”
6. Toomey going behind voting table to cast his vote with his son
Arlington, Virginia
7. Wide shot of line of people waiting to vote
8. Wide shot of woman voting behind privacy screen
9. SOUNDBITE (English): Sita Slovav, Virginia voter:
“It might be more difficult for him, um but then he might also be forced to sort of compromise and hammer out bipartisan solutions.”
Chicago, Illinois
10. Wide shot of Democratic candidate for United States Senate from Illinois Alexi Giannoulias getting ready to cast his vote, laughing with another voter
11. Tight shot Giannoulias writing on ballot, casting his vote
12. Medium shot of Giannoulias walking over to machine to cast his ballot
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Alexi Giannoulias, Democratic candidate for United States Senate from Illinois:
“Well we’re going to spend the day continue to talk about what’s really at stake in this election, we’re going to fight for working class, middle class families, that have been devastated by this recession.”
New York City, New York
14. Medium shot of people at voting location
Gradyville, Pennsylvania
15. SOUNDBITE: (English) Harriet Sherman, Pennsylvania voter:
“I think that we are over spending in this country, I think that there is a lot going on that actually the American people don’t even know about, but I do think that the spending is totally out of control.”
West Miami, Florida
16. Wide shot Republican candidate for United State’s Senate from Florida Marco Rubio going into polling location to cast his vote
17. Medium shot of Rubio casting his vote
18. SOUNDBITE (English) Marco Rubio, Republican candidate for United State’s Senate from Florida:
“You know, I feel great first of all I mean every time we get to vote it reminds of this miracle this republic, the opportunity we have to choose our leaders that people not just a short distance from here, don’t have that same opportunity.”
Brooklyn, New York
19. Wide shot of Democratic United Stated Senator from New York Chuck Schumer arriving at polling location to vote
20. Medium shot of Schumer preparing to vote
21. Medium shot of Schumer voting
22. SOUNDBITE (English) Chuck Schumer, Democratic United Stated Senator from New York:
“Absolutely not, Harry Reid is going to win the election, I talk to him again last night, I talk to him two or three times a day, and I believe he’s going to win, and I’ll be working with him to try and produce some good things for middle class Americans.”
23. Wide of people at polling location
Americans lined up at polling locations to cast their vote for the 2010 midterm elections, and joining them in some cities were the candidates themselves.
Republican candidate for Senate from Pennsylvania, Pat Toomey arrived at his polling location, with his children, to vote.
“I think our supporters are very energised we have a great, great grassroots network, on the ground in 67 counties in Pennsylvania I think there gonna turn out the vote for us and I think that’s what going to deliver a victory,” said Toomey
Voters also expressed concerns about the economy.
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Say NO on Fast Track for a Secret Trade deal! President Obama’s intentions may be good, but SECRECY is the problem. NO! on any Fast Track vote until it’s all made public. Democratic Senators already have 7 PAGES of important guarantees & necessary amendments to protect our planet’s environment, labor, and America’s middle class.
Senator Elizabeth Warren explains to Rachel why she’s reluctant to ‘Grease the Skids’ & give ‘fast track’ power to President Obama on a new TPP trade deal, citing concerns that the crafting of the deal was ‘RIGGED” by predatory corporations for the 1% corporate elite and against our middle class. She insists the TPP agreement be made public BEFORE a Fast Track vote.
Video Rating: / 5
nathan tech says
December 31, 2015 at 10:42 AMthey always wait to pass the worse laws at the end of their term
Hayley Lewis says
December 31, 2015 at 11:26 AMPeople could see it on wiki leaks and it's been tabled since October but the media ( as in this interview) are not talking about the horrific details. If the world understood how screwed the TPP will leave them everybody would be out on mass protesting it.
Hayley Lewis says
December 31, 2015 at 11:49 AMPeople could see it on wiki leaks and it's been tabled since October but the media ( as in this interview) are not talking about the horrific details. If the world understood how screwed the TPP will leave them everybody would be out on mass protesting it.
Jeff Kim says
December 31, 2015 at 12:08 PMScrew TPP. Its only good for big corporation.
George Bush says
December 31, 2015 at 12:47 PMIs she saying "grease a skid"?
Laurence Dorn says
December 31, 2015 at 1:30 PMIn other words, the US becomes slowly but surely a Banana republic.
kristopher vis says
December 31, 2015 at 2:07 PMpoliticians really don't give a shit about the middle class….!!!!! anyway you look at it the democrats are going to raise taxes or sell out to the overseas…the fundamentals of liberals stop companies, factories, businesses in America…
PlanetEarth Trimtab says
December 31, 2015 at 2:18 PMUPDATE 11/5/15: TPP DETAILS RELEASED
Walter Kiel says
December 31, 2015 at 2:33 = LEAN FORWARD (All Fellow Travelers unite here!)
These regional trade agreements (Treaties) just get worse and worse.
No wonder they don't want us seeing the details before the treaty is rammed through!
JR says
December 31, 2015 at 3:20 PMBernie/Warren 2016!!
まーりんまや says
December 31, 2015 at 3:45 PMPetition to stop TPP:
fuschia73 says
December 31, 2015 at 3:51 PMlatest leaks on the TPP!
Patrick Chole says
December 31, 2015 at 4:35 PMalso, Obama sure turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing. he ran a campaign that promised transparency in government. "main street, not Wall Street!" he said so many times, now he's literally doing the EXACT opposite.
Patrick Chole says
December 31, 2015 at 5:28 PMWarren and Sanders 2016 ticket would be indestructible.
James Chuaycham says
December 31, 2015 at 6:20 PMNo trade (secret) deal that will cause more job loss, advantage to well connected big conglomerates, race to the bottom that will destroy small businesses and favor big corporations etc. Congress should be the one in charge not Obama.
Thanks Elizabeth Warren – put this out in details to public to see first before we decide. Now since TPP has been passed, we have to fight it in congress.
I think we need FAIR trade deals not these kind of secret (created by some corporations).
We are losing trust on our government.
PlanetEarth Trimtab says
December 31, 2015 at 6:22 PMUPDATE: The TPP was agreed upon by the 12 nations over the weekend. It's supposed to become public TODAY, 10/5/15, but may be delayed again.
Once it's made public it will go to Congress for at least 60 days before it's voted on.
Let the battle begin. For MORE INFO see WIKILEAKS:
Steven Dwight Longe says
Steven Dwight Longe says
December 31, 2015 at 6:51 PMElizabeth Warren would be a woman WORTHY to be PRESIDENT in my book!
Steven Dwight Longe says
December 31, 2015 at 7:34 PMWe are going down as a nation… Why is this happening?