Time to move beyond the “Left” v “Right” – “Liberal v Conservative” – “Tory – Labour” false duality which has been presented to us as freedom of choice when it is just the same old Psychopathic Control Grid puppetmasters behind the scenes repackaged every four years or so.
Voting for Independent candidates in local elections still has some value I think – but that’s it for me. No more cororate puppets at national, and especially international level. The ballot box is a wind-up Jack-in-the-Box puppet.
Just for the record before you start shouting at me:
I favour Gay Civil Partnership and Child Adoption
I favour protecting onesself from criminals (including corporate ones especially)
I favour unviversal health care for all
I am in favour of alternative health care as prevention and hospitals, surgury and emergency care working together as one.
I am against mandatory vaccination for infants (vaccines should be on a disease by disease prevention programme basis and not the current chemical cafeteria “just in case” overload to boost Big Pharm profits that it is now it is now)
I consider male circumcision to be a horrific human rights violation (teach your sons about soap and water instead)
I know that TV is corporate mind control
I am anti-Creationism being taught as fact in schools
I am not fully convinced by Darwin’s Natural Selections “Survivial of the Fittest” concept either – it stinks of elitism and intolerance wrapped up as science.
I believe Evolution is far more poetic, beautiful and complicated that what biggoted and psychopathic inbred Victorian aristocratic minds could conceptualise.
I am pro spiritual
I am anti-religion
I consider Islam, Christanity and Judaism to be all the same thing; “Islojudianity”
I am pro abortion if this is what a woman wants
I am in favour of better treatment of fathers in terms of divorce and child custody settlement
I do not support “your” troops and never will in any illegal war
I know Man Made Climate Change is a shocking fraud
I am more pro enviormental than any Green
I like sexy women especially if they are intelligent
I like multiculturalism in terms of art, food, and so on – but I consider culture to be evil when it is a social control mechanism (caste systems etc)
I do not believe anyone’s nationality makes them better or less than anyone else’s geo-linguistic accident of birth
I consider modern atheism to be a religion in of itself.
Mainstream journalism is a pit of lying vipers and pathetic propagandists for the most part
The Big Bang theory is silly the more I think about it
I dislike size zero models and hardcore pornography
I respect everyone else’s lifestyle as long as they do not try to impose it on me or anyone else.
I absolutely know for a fact the world is controlled by evil psychopaths who get together in semi-secret to conspire to screw over the rest of us for their own aims – they are power obsessed psychopaths and not Illuminati, Reptillians or Aliens.
I think that people who claim the world is not run by evil elitest mad men and women are delusional and need to start looking a bit more carefully. But I respect their delusion if this is what they feel comfortable with.
Love, compassion, empathy and tolerance work.
Pizza, wow!
Apart from human rights issues all the above are subject to change depending on what new informaiton comes along. I don’t do dogmas either.
Let’s just call me a typical human being and be done with it. MORE INFORMATION ON THIS TOPIC HERE
The “Apprentice” star responds to allegations of fraud against Trump University.
TheBrownViper says
November 26, 2015 at 6:37 PMEven thought I call myself a liberal, kind of have to briefly explain what I stand since we live in a soundbite society, I agree that they're bullshit because when you really think about, the issues that people consider "conservative" or "liberal" affect both sides, even if they don't want to accept it and I want to correct a irritating error. Natural selection has nothing to do with elitism or social Darwinism (a philosopher created that concept).
lemsip says
November 26, 2015 at 7:04 PMIf you're not a vegetarian or better still a vegan they can call you a hypocrite. To me eating healthily and eating enough but not too much comes first then eating ethically. If I'm hungry and passing Tesco or Marks and Spencers I'll pop in for a sandwich rather than let my blood sugar levels fall or either get ratty or eat chocolate or cake to stave off hunger later on. Whether meat eater, pescatarian, vegetarian or vegan, most people in the UK aren't getting their 'five a day'.
lemsip says
November 26, 2015 at 7:41 PMThere's Friends of the Earth (not nationally just where I live) as well with their silly stunts and marginalisation of any woman over the age of 35 in meetings and in the offices. I often speak up about their behaviour and just get the reply "oh, it's all in a good cause" as if amoral or hypocritical practices are justified. Don't get me started on PETA. Fairtrade took over an empty shop for a fortnight shoving Cadbury's fairtrade chocolate onto kids. Didn't see much in the way of bananas.
lemsip says
November 26, 2015 at 8:24 PMBeginning to wonder if there are psychopaths in the charities, sorry NGO's, where I live such as Mind, Oxfam and Fairtrade. They seem awfully overambitious, promoting themselves constantly, campaigning rather than doing good works, work their volunteers to the ground and push literature onto people who don't have time to read it. I'm not one for chucking it onto the ground or put into a bin but would rather hand anything back I don't want.
lemsip says
November 26, 2015 at 8:36 PMI'm a floating voter now. I vote for the candidate and the leader of the party that's relevant to the election. So if it's a Welsh Assembly election I consider the leader of the Welsh party not the Federal party when deciding who to vote for.
wexpat says
November 26, 2015 at 9:18 PMThe "other way" is to shrink government to its minima, a constant process. De-regulate health care, so people can buy it in the marketplace directly, and not via the finance scheme called "health insurance".
Luke Biddle says
November 26, 2015 at 10:16 PMI gave up voting a few years ago after coming to the same conclusions. No matter who you vote for, the government still gets in. I liken them in a way to Ralph the wolf and Sam the sheepdog from Looney Tunes. They clock on as friends, then do their work in opposition to each other. I think the parties are all like that: friends off the public stage and "enemies" on it, giving the impression of duality.
Fred Proud says
November 26, 2015 at 10:54 PMI´ve been kicking this around for a long time. You last vid prompted me to get it sorted. And thanks too for your infinite variety of subject matter and gusto! All the best. I meant to attach the vid to this comment but looks like the vid went first.
Fred Proud says
November 26, 2015 at 11:49 PMBasically of course you are quite right. There is only one important issue and that is empowerment the self. But this is am immense challenge , as you know. Anybody the least creative will have a head start but the force is not with you until you decide to have as little to do with organised society as possible. Keep your head down and build your own private picture of how the world works piece by piece. Foreign travel is dead useful as you see at close hand, if you care to look closely..(cont)
Fred Proud says
November 27, 2015 at 12:03 AM…that although all the details are different say in Brazil, or France or Turkey the State is always up to the same tricks. In Brazil the population is so enormous, so misinformed that rampant, in your face, corruption is NORMAL at every level. Politicians creaming off enormous fortunes; television so patronising and simple-minded that the majority have no notion of what thinking for yourself could mean). Head West, the lies and propaganda become more complex, insidious, and sophisticated..
joebonsaipoland says
November 27, 2015 at 12:10 AMDownload the Trump University Blue Print and listen to the course yourself. #Trump2016 great information and education and the full course is available on Amazon too.
Wanda D says
November 27, 2015 at 12:15 AMTrump's attorneys did not want to meet on Friday and requested the meeting on Saturday
kinghoho2 says
November 27, 2015 at 12:21 AMhope they ad punitive damages 50 billion or more break this mans piggy bank !
IKE gEE says
November 27, 2015 at 12:32 AMYEP
daniel chung says
November 27, 2015 at 12:35 AMDonald trump you suck.
stubee52 says
November 27, 2015 at 12:53 AMSaturday afternoon filing, so what?
Patricia J says
November 27, 2015 at 1:35 AMNo he is not
badazz1694 says
November 27, 2015 at 2:14 AMU would have to be some kind of idiot like lady lord ass to give this fool chump any money
SuperLastMohican says
November 27, 2015 at 3:07 AMI got into Harvard, but I'm going to Trump U. instead!
Kittybunny2007 says
November 27, 2015 at 3:26 AMThere was going to be a trump university?