President Barack Obama explains that while his administration is trying to do what it can not to prioritize deportations that split immigrant families, ultimately his executive actions are only temporary and Congress needs to pass immigration legislation.
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Obama To Congress: Pass Immigration Reform Law | msnbc
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Stop Indefinite Detention of U.S. Citizens Without Due Process
Oath Keepers
Tell Congress: Say NO to Indefinite Detention and Endless Worldwide War
Al-Qaeda doesn’t exist? Viewer made this point. But didn’t they admit already that Al-Qaeda doesn’t exist?
Washington (CNN) — The Senate on Thursday passed a giant defense bill that includes a new policy for detaining and trying suspected al Qaeda terrorists — a policy that attracted controversy during the debate and may draw a presidential veto.
The defense authorization bill passed by a vote of 93-7.
In keeping with budget cuts across the government, the 2 billion bill shrinks Pentagon spending by billion from last year. It includes funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and sets policies for the various weapons systems and personnel programs at the Defense Department.
Senate debate on the detainee matter was at times volatile and emotional.
After years of struggling with issues of who should investigate, detain and try suspected terrorists — civilian authorities and courts or the military and its tribunal system — Armed Services Committee Chair Carl Levin, D-Michigan, and ranking Republican John McCain of Arizona reached a long-sought compromise to codify the process.
However, critics complained the deal was weighted toward the military because it required any suspected al Qaeda terrorists, even those captured inside the U.S., to be held potentially indefinitely by the military. That concerned the White House and many lawmakers who think the responsibility belongs, in part, to law enforcement agencies and the federal courts and warned that Americans could possibly be detained indefinitely by the military.
Levin and McCain denied their bill would allow for the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens.
“This country is special because we have certain values, and due process of law is one of those values,” Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, D-California, argued on the Senate floor. “I object to holding American citizens without trial. I do not believe that makes us more safe.”
“You have people on the left who hate saying ‘the war on terror,'” responded Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina. “They would never ever use the military and always insist the law enforcement be used because they don’t buy into the idea that we’re at war. They want to criminalize the war.”
Senators ultimately reached an agreement to amend the bill to make clear it’s not the bill’s intent to allow for the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens and others legally residing in the country.
“It would provide the assurance that we are not adversely affecting the rights of American citizens in this language,” Levin said while expressing support for the compromise.
“It supports present law,” Feinstein added.
Senators from both parties also challenged the Obama administration’s policies toward Iran, unanimously approving an amendment insisting on tough new sanctions against Iran’s Central Bank and entities that do business with it. Senators want to punish Iran over its pursuit of a nuclear weapons programs and the recent storming of the British Embassy in Tehran.
The administration complained the Senate amendment would make it difficult for the White House to manage a delicate foreign policy matter.
Also Thursday, the Senate approved on a voice vote a Democratic amendment requiring President Barack Obama to develop a plan to expedite the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, which is scheduled to be completed in 2014.
While it’s not clear the amendment will force any actual acceleration of the withdrawal, Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Oregon, said the Senate vote was a “message” to the president that U.S. troops have successfully performed their mission of stamping out al Qaeda and the 9-11 terrorists and “it’s time to bring our men and women home.”
The measure still needs to go to conference for reconciliation with the House version of the bill.
Sam Jr. says
October 27, 2015 at 2:25 AMYou leaving the presidency, who cares, obey the law!!, respect our constitution , immigration enforcement !!!!
Jack Of All Trades says
October 27, 2015 at 2:54 AMObama To Congress: Pass Immigration Reform Law | msnbc:
brmillgr says
October 27, 2015 at 3:19 AMThats probably whats going to happen
Joe Finney says
October 27, 2015 at 3:50 AMEven if it opposed by a judge that won't matter if ur a terrorist u don't go to court u go to a military tribunal. No federal judges there
zrocks2001 says
October 27, 2015 at 4:46 AMolbermann was great
dsspike51 says
October 27, 2015 at 5:13 AMIf I were the U.S. pres. and I got this bill. The first thing I'd do is lock up every anti-abortion terrorist in the country.
tallalone1 says
October 27, 2015 at 5:33 AMYes but the part of indefinite detention is banned by a federal judge, the government will accept this ruling indefinetely.
bdbd258 says
October 27, 2015 at 5:54 AMLooking to the world &knowing that there are 2 factors,I see that the devil is losing and for sure at the end will be judged for all the crimes,it just makes sense!!! I think it's better to LIVE AND ACT IN THE FREEDOM OF GOD(praying in a right form,following the INSTRUCTIONS in the Bible-keeping the 10 commandments-including keeping the Saturday as the 7th day etc)instead of in the prison &deception of devil.I found on numerous people that through Jesus Christ they did a change for the better 🙂
MrAlsfan5 says
October 27, 2015 at 6:22 AMThe beginning of the end of freedom
Midnightse7en says
October 27, 2015 at 6:51 AMturn the page because on march 16 2012 he signed the National Defence Resources Preparedness. wonder why? lol Well change is coming. Soup? No soup for you!!! UN Agenda 21 and the destruction of America is in high gear. Sustainable Development in your face. Watch for the UN Meeting in Rio in 2012 Know what happened in 1989 there bush brought it back Clinton signed the exc. order this time full de-population action to commence
Why does this Obama loving Kieth Oberman care this is what he wants.
greiver179 says
October 27, 2015 at 7:05 AM@crcarter Wait so this bill is under effect..meaning that they can do all this they mentioned on this video? Wow I must have missed alot
Arielslopa says
October 27, 2015 at 7:43 AM@crcarter The government answer is: "they did it because we are free", my answer is: "they did because we keep bombing them and subsidizing their oppressive regimes!"
your answer is: "evil people on the top killed 5000 people in order to establish a new-world-order". I'd take my answer, because I actually know people who run away from iraq and iran. And I actually watched the Osama video. Their acts weren't just, but they were picked on for over five centuries now.