A Synopsis for
A Satirical Commentary
C. 2015 LaskinandVancea
Magnum International LLC
It is revealed to billionaire reality show host, best selling author and businessman Donald Prunt, in a dream, that his quest to become President needs to aligned with God and not the Devil. In a powerful dream (much like the “Christmas Carol”), God shows Mr. Prunt(Trump) the disastrous consequences for the country and of the whole world, of his political alliances with Devil’s representatives on Earth.
Mr. Trump, being a God loving man, realizes that he has no choice but to run as “The Independent”. So, he does and wins the Presidential election by the largest margin in American history. One could say it was a miracle. He has awaken the sleeping giant of the American voters, the “Silent Majority” who were tired of the lies of the corrupt career politicians and those who control them.
But “Master Puppeteers” will not go away so easily. First, there is a botched assassination attempt. Then there are bombings by Islamic terrorists, an orchestrated war by the Mexican Cartels and their Chinese backers in combination with a massive cyber attack on Wall Street. All this leads to Martial Law in an attempt by the outgoing President Hossein Mumba to become a dictator using his personal mercenaries army.
President Mumba (Obama) also interferes with the military’s efforts to defeat the Cartels; offers little or no assistance in finding the root of the Islamic terrorist problem; and wants to completely ignore the overt Chinese subversion. He definitely proves to be part of the problem and not part of the solution.
President-elect Trump and his Patriots, from veterans of the Vietnam and Iraq wars to ordinary citizens of all races and religions shed their blood and win back the border, neutralize the Islamic terrorist cells, and disrupt the Chinese plan for the take over of America. The final battle for the White House shows the heroism and the ultimate sacrifice made by the true patriots. They also expose President Mumba for who and what he really is, a coward and an impostor.
And in the end, President Trump and his new team recreates an America based on Judeao-Christian principles, hope and opportunity for all: He also reshapes the American political spectrum by using an innovative business based concept, team work and successful proven tactics by employing and promoting the best and brigthest minds of our time. That encourages companies to bring back jobs, recovers the economy and creates new business opportunities. The arrival of a third party on the political scene drives a wedge between the two major parties which puts and end to the wheeling and dealing of the past. Now begins a new era of constitutionality and respect for the law of the land, for the people and by the people.
This is the America Our Founding Fathers envisioned when they wrote “One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”.
Will this be a dream or reality? That’s up to you know and God!
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