Louisiana: A History of Cronyism and Corruption
From the early 1800’s to present day, Louisiana is infamous for its corrput political history. But times, they are a-changin’! There ARE other options than the current career politicians!
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Sharmila Farooqi daughter of Usman Farooqi former Chairman of Pakistan Steel Mills who was charged for corruption. Mushahid Ullah is in his decaying political career and all you can see him on TV is bickering and yelling.
You might want to watch more of these character to have a better understanding of the corrupt political elite who has raped our great Nation.
Video Rating: / 5
UnknownArtistry says
October 6, 2015 at 2:12 AM1) Your language is biased. What you say isn't, but the connotation of several words you used is suggesting your bias. If you're really who you say you are (and I'm just going to assume so), you're not fooling the people who know what they're talking about.
2) Because I have drawn the conclusion that you are biased, I am now assuming that you are purposefully omitting beneficial things about Louisiana's history in the second slide of this video. I admit that there are some things that have gone wrong with Louisiana's history, but that's like saying all that New York is is made of its history with gang violence and Italian mafia.
3) As many politicians are when they release this type of media to the public, you seem to be taking advantage of peoples' lack of knowledge of your more extensive vocabulary. You use the word "Hypocrite" not incorrectly, but in just the right place for people to be mislead, knowing only that the intent of the word is most likely ridicule.
4) You are forced to use quotes to be believable. I believe this for two reasons: The first is because, omitting the quotes and replacing them with paraphrased content, you really don't sound all that smart. I believe that this would allow you to take advantage of people reading the content of this video, rather than listening to you say it. (In other words, you quote not for the words, but for the quotation marks.) The second reason I believe this is because, quite often, you don't cite your quotes. This leads to my impression that the sources are not very reliable, and, if you think about it, could very well have come from your own mouth earlier that year.
Besides my obvious complaints, I thank you for being kind about the way you say things. Though that may very well be you being careful about offending people, I'm not going to jump to conclusions; not again, at least.
Katherine Conner says
October 6, 2015 at 2:45 AMMore corrupt than East Feliciana???Wow!!
Razvia Mosque Razvia says
October 6, 2015 at 3:07 AMwo b ghalat kar raha hy magar aysy he sharmeela saheba bongyan mar rahi hain…..baat to tareeqy sy karna seekho….pata nahi ghar lar k aaty hain aur ghusa yahan nekalty hain…….
sykes786 says
October 6, 2015 at 3:13 AMFace like gidd bitch i hate her how is this cow representing us in any way ?shows the state were in !!!
tradecycles says
October 6, 2015 at 3:21 AM4:46 did Sharmeela say ' zaleel kameena' . LOL. This was funny. When dictator was doing fine you guys cried for democracy. This is democracy. 😀
Moon Mugha'al says
October 6, 2015 at 4:10 AMChoor daku awam mar gayi bhutto aaj b zinda hai
blackb3ard911 says
October 6, 2015 at 4:23 AMLOL ……….. these napakis should be lynched
Kingisred96 says
October 6, 2015 at 5:05 AMStupid annoying bitch keeps ranting, she talks about democratic values yet her conduct is very undemocratic to the core and she is fucking corrupt to the bone, she should shot be shot in front of the public and hanged upside down in front of the parliament. This country needs a a major revolution someone like Stalin in power to confront them.