While the Republican Party may have started out with some progressivism in its blood – today all that party cares about is money – big business – and serving the needs of the wealthy elite. Today’s Republican Party is completely corrupt. It’s that simple. And in America – when something is filled with corruption – we get rid of it. We shut it down. So – maybe it’s time to shut down the Republican Party – and replace it with something that might actually do some good for the American people…
For more information on the stories we’ve covered visit our websites at thomhartmann.com – freespeech.org – and RT.com. You can also watch tonight’s show on Hulu – at Hulu.com/THE BIG PICTURE and over at The Big Picture YouTube page. And – be sure to check us out on Facebook and Twitter!
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Mister Guiteau says
November 15, 2014 at 4:27 PMThere has long been a strong pro-business, pro-industrialist sentiment in the Republican party, it's traced back to the Whig party they grew out of and Henry Clay's 'American System'. It's why during the Glided Age the majority Republican presidents worked to the betterment of men like Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Morgan. There were traces of the social justice platform that it had been founded on, but the institutionalization of White supremacy ruled both parties.The great progressive surge of the early party all but died after the Compromise of 1977, it had small glimpses of life in the Progressive Era but the popularity of eugenics and prohibition among that era of progressives largely doomed it in the long run. Roosevelt was demagogue who imagined himself as President for life, an idea his cousin Franklin (another demagogue) put into practice. He essentially rode the populist wave put in place by leaders like Eugene V. Debs and William J. Bryan, he made some great strides forward but much of his polices and achievements as President are more complicated than the 'man of the people' motif he's often given. As for Eisenhower, he was the beginning of the close relationship between the Republican party and the religious right, he used the evangelical revivals of the early Cold War era and fears of 'atheistic' communism to get elected twice. Faith and its rhetoric have long held sway in American politics, but Eisenhower took it to the next level with the help of preachers like Billy Graham to make the secular republic into a "Christian nation".
getenlightened says
November 15, 2014 at 5:16 PMHIllary is in bed with Big Oil, Banks & takes money from Super Pac mega donors. Her Husband Bill repealed Glass Steagal, which in part led up to crisis of 2008.
Both parties have been corrupted and should be disbanded.
getenlightened says
November 15, 2014 at 5:59 PMHow about we disband BOTH parties? Hell, the two party system is what has helped them control The White House for years.
Aleksander Kaminski says
November 15, 2014 at 6:21 PMTime to bring out the Libritarian party.
Diamond Grader says
November 15, 2014 at 6:54 PMIt seems that there is a very (ultra) conservative element that has found a place in the republican party. It could be in the democratic party, but currently it's in the republican party.
chateucaddy says
November 15, 2014 at 7:15 PMSadly Republicans Only Are About Themselves Friends Family & Most Importantly Their RICH DONORS. Even What's Good For Them Is Not Good For The Average American Or Their Constituents/Voters. Because While They Destroy Unions Their In A (Super Union) Telling Us Hardworking Taxpayers What To Pay Them $174,000+ & Millions n Allowances For (Travel, Staffers, Furniture, Ect.) Just Like When these PPL Go Against Raising The Minimum Wage While Their Wages Now Get A Raise "Unless" The Vote "Against" It & I Also Tied To Inflation Which Minimum Wage Should Be Also…
pseudocomrade09 says
November 15, 2014 at 7:24 PMWe have had enough of the Republican party and therefore we should shut it down for good!
Anthony Neilly says
November 15, 2014 at 7:31 PMPlease sign this to charge the Republicans for violating The Logan Act