“The Republican budget actually balances in ten years, and that’s important because that’s how we are going to create significant new jobs in America for the middle class. The Democrats’ budget alternatives never balance. Yet we know their plans raise upwards of a trillion dollars in higher taxes and still never balance the federal budget. There is nothing balanced about their alternatives. We should not go down the road of more debt and deficits for the next generation. It is not fair to the kids. We need to protect and preserve our safety net programs. The Republican budget does that. And we need to grow jobs in middle class America. Our plan does that as well.”
Kenneth Davenport says
November 11, 2015 at 7:42 PMGreg, thank you for all your hard work.
Here is an idea that you probably have heard several times but it did work in our history and thats to go back to the Greenbacks. If we were to go back to this system and repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the National Bank Act of 1864, I wander how much faster we can get that debt payed off?