Welcome to Capital Account. What we are seeing across the Western world is exactly what happens when faith in the systems of governance and commerce are shaken to such a degree that the emerging cracks in the foundation appear too large and the holes too gaping to fix by traditional means. Nowhere is this more obvious than in Greece, where a system-wide reset seems the only realistic outcome at this point. The inability of politicians to form a viable government is only the latest act in this national drama. Deposit and capital flight, a collapse in domestic investment, and a paralyzing debt burden have weighed on a Greek economy in the throes of a dark social depression unlike anything the country has seen in recent generations. And with similarly-indebted neighbors facing bailouts and austerity, it’s not hard to imagine a similar trajectory for other economies.
So as the cracks within western societies and their economies grow larger and deeper, the divide between the real economy and the one inhabited by the financiers grows equally with it. Last week, we learned that JP Morgan, the largest Wall Street bank to have emerged from the crisis of 2008 not only unscathed, but enriched and bigger than ever before, announced a hole of its own on its balance sheet of more than billion dollars. But not to worry, because cracks on Wall Street can always be fixed with the glue of more easy money, deregulation and monopoly privilege. Holes can be filled with the endless support of central banks, who stand ready to enrich our feudal banking oligopoly at the expense of the systems of government and commerce that built the same wealth that is now being extracted with an ease and efficiency reminiscent of an industrial assembly line.
Jamie Dimon, the CEO of America’s largest bank by assets, made an appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press this Sunday. Downplaying the impact of the two billion dollar loss that JP Morgan recorded from its risky bets, the loss that turned out NOT to be the tempest in the teapot he had previously blow it off as, Dimon said the bank will still earn a lot of money this quarter. Banks are supposed to earn money by helping the economy grow. They make money from that growth. Making money while the rest of the economy suffers isn’t earning money, it’s extracting it, it’s stealing it, and that’s a theme we see on both sides of the Atlantic. We see it from bank bailouts in the eurozone disguised as bailouts for societies to the casino capitalism of Wall Street banks disguised as legitimate business. We speak to Gerald Celente, Founder of Trends Research Institute & Publisher of the Trends Journal about it all.
Plus, the US Department of Justice can’t tell you how many criminals have been prosecuted in the financial crisis because they don’t keep track and a Facebook co-founder ditches his US citizenship for residency in Singapore. Demetri, Lauren and Shannon give you their two cents on today’s “Loose Change.”
The effects of corruption are multi-dimensional, with consequences in political, economic and social aspects of life at all levels and in all countries.
Corruption undermines the legitimacy of governments and creates a fertile ground for organized crime and terrorism, potentially de-stabilizing communities.
Corruption is often responsible for
• The diversion and misallocation of resources from much needed projects such as schools, hospitals or roads;
• conversion of public wealth to private and personal property;
• inflation;
• imbalanced economic development;
Illegally obtained funds from corruption are also laundered and moved around the world through a variety of methods to avoid detection, often before being re-integrated into legitimate businesses and the economy.
Private individuals, companies, organizations and nations are all affected by financial crime, with the Internet facilitating the ease with which these crimes are committed, often in a country far away from where the offender logs in.
At INTERPOL, we work to combat all financial crimes through the global exchange of information, supporting operations in the field, and bringing together experts from the sectors concerned.
We work closely with regional and international organizations to identify trends and responses and to avoid duplication of effort, which is essential in dealing with financial crimes where time is of the essence.
Law enforcement can only take action within a strong legal framework, not just to identify and arrest those responsible, but also for the recovery of assets illegally taken from public purse.
INTERPOL plays a unique role in assisting its 190 member countries address these truly international challenges. Its global specialized tools and network can identify links which may otherwise go unnoticed, and more importantly help law enforcement on the ground locate criminals who may otherwise remain at large.
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Ctemple2012 says
November 2, 2015 at 2:51 AMIt's a bit more complicated than a water filter but it helps, check out the term the Great Culling and take it from there Buddy, you'll find your way…
Dahmian John says
November 2, 2015 at 3:42 AMOk, so you have woken up. but what have yo done about it? Do you only drink bottled water? Have you purchased a water filter which can remove flouride? What action have you taken, I am interested because I would also like to wake up and take action.
Spartaculus Jones says
November 2, 2015 at 3:54 AMMoney rules and big money dominates.
Ctemple2012 says
November 2, 2015 at 4:47 AMYour so right about Flouride mate…people are begining to wake up even here in Australia. It took me some time to realize as I resisted, but thankfully I woke up!
Alex says
November 2, 2015 at 5:31 AMIf the people are stupid enough to allow it then they deserve what they get I just wish we didnt have to go down with them.
Like your name too! but were not in the fight just yet!
John Farley says
November 2, 2015 at 6:30 AMIt's a legal drug and it's called FLOURIDE. Stalin and Hitler both used it to dumb people down. It seems to be working well.
MrCBXer55 says
November 2, 2015 at 7:16 AMI've been slowly watching some of your shows from before I became aware of your existance. This one was awesome, Gerald Celente was GREAT!
Going to have to call his performance "The Rant Of the Year!"
This is one I really want to send to some folks in my e-mail address book. 😉
Drumvain says
November 2, 2015 at 8:00 AMGreat report, death to the banking oligarchs!
blackdogleg says
November 2, 2015 at 8:32 AM17,000 views kinda says alot.
blackdogleg says
November 2, 2015 at 9:17 AMthis show would never be allowed in the West, it tells it like it is and the same corporations that benifit from these crimes own the media.
blackdogleg says
November 2, 2015 at 9:43 AMSo, what is your point? Do you not see the corruption in the west? I can argue who is most corrupt and it may not be Russia. Russia and China stand in the way of NWO and corporate take over of basically the entire world. Cheers to them. May not be the perfect situation but it is what it is.
blackdogleg says
November 2, 2015 at 10:25 AMthe ¨owners ¨make alot of money off of those illegal drugs,
Hans Ome says
November 2, 2015 at 10:30 AMLIBOR/ BARCLAYS tip of iceberg !
Vannessa Coonrod says
November 2, 2015 at 10:38 AMWhy does Russian TV have this show. Why isn't their show about Russia.
Wardy 0 says
November 2, 2015 at 10:47 AMlauren u way to hot, i can't hear what your saying 😛
mrzipdisk says
November 2, 2015 at 11:07 AMJUST SO EVERYBODY KNOWS, PUTIN OWNS RUSSIA TODAY. Its owned by the Russian government, so just know that where they may be correct in some areas on their shows its benefitting one of the most corrupt governments on the planet.
libertydogfight says
November 2, 2015 at 11:44 AMAmerica's banking system is the Casino Royal – The Govern/Mafia Casino Owners prints money based upon the Peoples future taxes(now spent 20 years in advance) Taxes that are now based on revenue through Year 2032 are being spent today. Now money continues to flow out the back door of the Casino and the Owners keeps illegal drug flowing in the back door to keep the taxpayers STUPID.
libertydogfight says
November 2, 2015 at 12:11 PMJamie Diamond and John Corzine should be sitting in Prison right next to Madoff, actually Diamond and Corzine are more, more corrupt than Madoff, as Madoff only stole $billions, Mafia Kingpins Diamond and Corzine have stolen $100's of Billions.