Highlights of another great James Corbett interview (CorbetReport.com) — Former FBI Sibel Edmonds (BoilingFrogsPost.com).
Intelligent, insightful and informed explanation of systemic government failure.
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Chris Hedges calls us to action, to create a new political movement to replace our corrupt government and obsolete economic institutions, building on what’s begun by Occupy Wall Street. Talk at Church of All Souls in New York City February 7, 2012. Video by Joe Friendly. Apologies for occasional camera shaking, but the speaker’s audio is extra fine as result of that tiny wireless AZDEN mic at Chris’s lips that the church let me stick on with a tiny rubber band at the last moment before he was about to speak!
My own offering for a plan of action:
Here’s a New York City citizen’s effort to put in clear and simple terms a plan to achieve the fundamental changes we need to create a rational, moral order.
The People need to begin considering a peaceful revolution along these lines:
Whereas the US Government has become terminally corrupt with bribery ruling Washington, and in the service of the rich has turned against its people and in violation of treaties it has signed and in violation of international law has made war against and invaded so many countries, has shamed us before the world by engaging in torture, has taken steps like NDAA toward fascism, and our economic system is failing,
We launch national and local thinking sessions, on the internet, live-streaming from the job site and the neighborhood, what’s wrong and how to make it right, to save the planet and promote planetary prosperity so humanity thrives, how to create a fair, just, wise, sustainable economic system that cherishes human dignity, fosters both community and individuality.
We recognize that commercialism/capitalism is a mentality so lacking in morality that it should no longer be the basis of our economic order. We give new meaning to money in our lives. We come to realize the need to rescue our culture from commercialism, that it is an irresponsible, pathological, degenerative force, that has degraded us, urged a preoccupation with appearances, a status system based on wealth and looks, not inner workings of mind and heart, failed to encourage and bring out the good in human nature, caring about people.
We face squarely the complicity of our commercial media in the corruption, how they have fooled us with lies and tricks, hid the truth from us. As a whole people we begin to wake up to destructive US foreign policy, hearing from victims the sad and shameful truth about US wrongdoing country by country. The US has been a monster unto the world, not a force for freedom and democracy as it claims.
We the people must alas wake up and be a positive force in the world, restore good will!
Mys currently Proposed Candidates for Government-in-waiting to conduct a national discussion about what’s wrong and what The People can wisely choose as an alternative:
Mumia Abu-Jamal
Michael Albert
Michelle Alexander
Stanley Aronowitz
Tom Ashbrook
Ed Asner
Ben Barber
Brian Becker
Harry Belefonte
Medea Benjamin
Phyllis Bennis
Danniel Berrigan
Frida Berrigan
William Blum
Heidi Boghosian
Robert Borosage
Roy Bourgeois
Robert Bowman
Barbara Boxer
Ellen H. Brown
John Burroughs
Jackie Cabasso
Noam Chomsky
Ward Churchill
Ramsey Clark
John Conyers
Angela Davis
Lamis Deek
Phil Donohue
Barbara Ehrenreich
Daniel Ellsberg
Herman Ferguson
Johanna Fernandez
Sara Flounders
Laura Flanders
Margaret Flowers
Jane Franklin
Joe Friendly
Bruce Gagnon
James K. Galbraith
Joseph Gerson
Tiokasin Ghosthorse
Danny Glover
Fred Goldstein
Amy Goodman
Juan Gonzalez
David Graeber
Mike Gravel
Glen Greenwald
Robert Greenwald
Michael Greger
David Ray Griffin
Deirdre Griswold
Teresa Gutierez
James Hansen
Thom Hartman
William Hartung
Tom Hayden
Doug Henwood
Chris Hedges
Sander Hicks
Jim Hightower
Larry Holmes
Connie Hogarth
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Max Keiser
Kathy Kelly
Robert Knight
Paul Krugman
Dennis Kucinich
Gloria LaRiva
Lyndon LaRouche
Barbara Lee
Brian Lehrer
Michael Lerner
Laurence Lessig
Leonard Lopate
Jeff Mackler
Ray McGovern
Bill McKibben
Mark Crispin Miller
Michael Moore
Monica Moorehead
Bill Moyers
Susan Metz
Ethan Nadelman
Jerrold Nadler
Rosie O’Donnell
Keith Olberman
Patrick Oliphant
Ed Ott
Michael Parenti
Christian Parenti
Robert Parry
Leonard Peltier
Sean Penn
Dan Perkins
John Perkins
Peter Phillips
William Rivers Pitt
Miles Rapoport
Michael Ratner
Robert Reich
Jeremy Rifkin
David Rovics
Bernie Sanders
Lydia Sargeant
Jeremy Scahill
Danny Schechter
Jonathan Schell
Pete Seeger
Assata Shakur
Cindy Sheehan
Robert Scheer
Norman Siegel
Lovan Berenyi says
November 13, 2015 at 6:44 PMi remember seeing a documentary on the BBC when i lived in the UK about nicolai czeaucescu (sp?) leader of romania at the time, and thinking to myself, somebody oughta take that guy out and shoot him!! and like a week later, someone DID! AWESOME. not the violence for violence sake, but i think you get my meaning if you know anything about that dude.
Diet Lord says
Fedeleness says
November 13, 2015 at 7:56 PMWell we in the USA might not all be "intellectuals" but we have lived what liberalism does to a country. IT CORRUPTS IT, ABSOLETELY. Period.
Mike Williams says
November 13, 2015 at 7:59 PMwho is going to reconfigure human structures?who?