Ben Swann Reality Check takes a look at how the Massachusetts GOP have stripped 17 pro-liberty delegates of their credentials. A move that is clearly not legal.
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Jane Doe says
December 15, 2015 at 10:51 AMMA is a long time demoRAT run State which includes its Mainstream Media Propaganda Machine.
Dave Revere says
December 15, 2015 at 11:25 AMShe said it around 3:45-"…having Congress only declare wars. The president can't just go and declare wars…and taking the internet from the gov…." The President doesn't have half the powers he's been using the whole time I've been alive, and the only reason to heap that much power on a guy, and control so tightly who that guy is, is because you control some of em. If you're running a rigged game, you do it just like this, now please, folks in Tampa just get us raw footage of the RNC.
ChuckinAurora says
December 15, 2015 at 12:11 PM@FanatikJ I second that. It's quite refreshing.
Ringo Lange says
December 15, 2015 at 12:58 PMWhat? they were all going to vote for Mitt Romney anyways? This shit doesn't even matter, completely irrelevant. Now if they were going to vote for Ron Paul this would be worth reporting on. But these people are dupes and morons for voting for Romney.
December 15, 2015 at 1:24 PMDude, Reality Check is the best broadcast news segment in America. This is amazing.
Werowocomico says
December 15, 2015 at 2:00 PMThe GOP is only shooting themselves in the foot. What a bunch of dumbasses
Dustin Koenning says
December 15, 2015 at 2:08 PMDid you catch the part where all 17 delegates said they'd vote for Romney? Did you hear how this was reaffirmed 3 other times afterward? Did you pay attention to the fact that ALL 17 DELEGATES SIGNED THE AFFIDAVIT?
This movement is beyond Ron Paul. The delegates don't need to vote for Paul to succeed. This is about changing the Republican Party from the inside out and the establishment can't stand that we, the people, don't want unconstitutional wars, bailouts, corporate cronyism, etc.
drutter says
December 15, 2015 at 2:28 PMKeep it real, Ben! Thanks for all your efforts. Don't let them shut you up.
Ozlanthos says
December 15, 2015 at 2:50 PMApparently in addition to civics, your school system shorted you on critical thinking and debate. We followed the rules, Romneys people have been cheating (ever since the debates if you've been paying attention). Watch this vid again, and REALLY LISTEN this time! You will hear straight out that the GOP has been inventing new reasons on the fly to PROHIBIT Ron Paul's delegates from attending the convention! THAT IS CHEATING!
Sarah Pearce says
December 15, 2015 at 3:46 PMwow you must be right, since you cursed and used caps….wait, no thats what little children do…..the state voted majority someone else, when the bots took all the delegates that was thievery because the voters chose someone else. If all the delegates had gone to Romney you would be screaming , you know you would….can your little brain comprehend (wait thats a big word) "get" (smaller word for kids) that?
Ozlanthos says
December 15, 2015 at 4:23 PMWe didn't steal shit. If you can't be bothered to know the rules, you have no business in politics! We followed the rules, you didn't and we got your delegates. That is how it works! If that is cheating, what the fuck do you call it when the host of a GOP event brags to everyone about how they are replacing DULY ELECTED delegates with "Romney-friendly" alternates? I watched it with my own two eyes! You want to tell me that following the rules and winning is equal to stealing delegate seats?
Ozlanthos says
December 15, 2015 at 5:08 PMWe didn't "cheat" anyone. If you cannot be bothered with studying the rules, you have no business in politics. More importantly, this same bullshit is being pulled in proportional states, as well as states WE LEGITIMATELY WON! THAT IS FUCKING CHEATING!!! I watched as assholes like you bragged at a GOP event about how they intended to rob us of delegates that were LEGITIMATELY ELECTED, and replace them with "Romney-friendly" alternates! And you say we cheat? FUCK YOU!!!
Liberty309 says
December 15, 2015 at 5:27 PMBring on the fucking war. I'm sick of this shit. The RON PAUL people played by the rules, won, and were stripped of there ELECTED POSITION. THIS IS ELECTION FRAUD!!!
madest says
December 15, 2015 at 5:57 PMWhy is wall street funding Romney and banishing Barry dimwit?
Bill Langehennig says
December 15, 2015 at 6:06 PMIf you think that Barry and Mitt work for different owners then you should check your IQ!