After Republicans won control of the new Congress that will be seated in January, it quickly became clear that the next two years would be marked by conflict between GOP lawmakers and a Democratic president. But not many people expected a full-scale showdown to start taking shape before Thanksgiving. That, however, appears to be exactly what’s coming as the House and Senate negotiate over a bill to renew various tax breaks that expired at the end of 2013. The breaks are generally referred to as “tax extenders” because for years they have been passed as temporary extensions of various tax breaks rather than codified as permanent law.*http%3A//*http%3A//
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Abby Martin calls out the corporate media’s coverage of Chris Christie and ‘Bridgegate’ and discusses how this is distracting from Congress sneaking through new legislation that would give Obama authority to fast track the controversial Trans Pacific Partnership.
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Paul L says
October 19, 2015 at 10:39 AMI suppose that if the VW was made in one of the twelve countries involved in the TTP they would be able to sue other countries because their emissions laws would damage VWs future profits.