Global warming is an issue we all need to be concern and be aware about, but in my community the politicians have taken it a step further, they are trying to blame almost every thing now on global warming
In a case of poor urban planning, without addressing this issue which is really causing the destruction here, the politicians are simply saying Oh! Its global warming and nothing much we could do, but we are doing what we can,
So they take in millions in public funding (through private contracts) to what they perceive as solutions, which in reality worsens the condition, thus guaranteeing the need for continues application of those solutions ***$ $ $ $ $ ***
All the while the environment and the people continue to suffer
People around the world need to be aware of these types of behavior, which can really damage and undermine the real efforts to find real solution to global climate change issue
I guess it also goes to show even behind the face of the good message; the wickedness and the stupidity of the humankind still lurks around, capable of causing serious destruction
Akarshana Amarasinghe
Video Rating: / 5
MMA H.E.A.T. brings you UFC President Dana White’s media scrum, which took place immediately after the UFC on FOX Sports 1 pre-fight press conference. Dana gives his thoughts on the corrupt union leaders and politicians who tried to cause problems before the show in Boston, the buzz behind Conor McGregor, the idea of Shogun retiring soon, the possible match-up between Lyoto Machida and Nick Diaz, the return of Alistair Overeem, Bellator’s low viewership and much more.
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Dangerwinn says
October 23, 2015 at 10:45 AMWhoever propose green energy as the solution to global warming is a fool. 80% of global warming is due to raising live-stocks for food.
perpetualjon says
October 23, 2015 at 11:15 AMYeah, I see it now. Their blaming "global warming" instead of their own incompetence. I guess it's hard to find a video out there today that doesn't blame global warming for everything under the sun.
AFoolsGeneration says
October 23, 2015 at 11:43 AMDude you really have to see the presentation again, It says nothing about not driving cars, flying planes or burning coal, here in Sri Lanka it's a case of 'erosion', due to poor urban planing (not having drainage) but as the rising sea-levels are a global issue people assume it must be the same here, but the images of the beach shows you it's a clear case of erosion (water coming from inland)
dude, think befor you leap
it applies to all
perpetualjon says
October 23, 2015 at 11:46 AMOk, I see. If we just stop driving cars, flying airplanes, using spray cans, and burning coal the Earth's sea levels will just remain right where they are? You should look into the lake shore property of Chicago. They've been dealing with this for decades (and there's truly no solution since Lake Michigan is simply expanding). Seriously, what are we supposed to do?
Natasha Nicholls Music says
October 23, 2015 at 12:26 PMsuper video
Best wishes from a country below sealevel
Jordan Schofield says
October 23, 2015 at 1:09 PMIn my opinion to act on something globaly without firm evidence is simply a mistake. I personally build CO2 measuring instruments for around the world, And I can tell you the evidence is not in yet. Thus we shouldn't jump to action. Please remember the long term natural cycles of the sun. We seem to forget that big ball of energy that is the main contributer to life or death.
Anthony Kelly says
October 23, 2015 at 1:46 PMYou seem like a very nice person but you need more insight. just because lots of people say something doesn't mean it's true.
the sea levels will rise, they are currently unnaturally low, they will rise another 6 inches at most (in general, not specific to one area) and then will be natural. don't worry about the environment because goats belching and cows farting (i'm serious) each have more of an effect on the environment than every harmful thing humans do.
chaindrive76 says
October 23, 2015 at 2:28 PMThanks for sharing your vid with me
Beadbud5000 says
October 23, 2015 at 2:56 PMAfter reading your side bar, I understand your feelings and points of contention. It is like trying to make headway for the argument to reduced emissions in 1980's & 90's when the SUV craze was in full strength in America. Too much cash was ripe for the taking.
So we do like Gandhi & Douglas: Agitate, agitate, AGITATE@!
AFoolsGeneration says
October 23, 2015 at 3:47 PMThank you so much, greatly appreciated 🙂
littlegoodie2shoes says
October 23, 2015 at 4:45 PMAn excellent video-I will also make an effort to spread the word.
Scott R says
October 23, 2015 at 5:21 PMThose unions are nothing but fucking trouble. They're liberal shills who will use ANYTHING and ANYONE at their disposal to get their way, everyone and everything is merely a means to an end. I guess that's not too surprising when you consider that unions ARE famous for threatening employers and non-union employees, they're thugs in suits and on the same level as politicians in my mind. They don't CARE about anyone, they just want to increase their power, influence and their bottom line. It's a sickness…a mental illness. And just like all hardcore leftists, they have a greatly inflated self-worth, when the only thing they're about is violence and money. They're the state-sanctioned mafia.
106pointJede says
October 23, 2015 at 6:03 PMNot only that, but Unions are not always looking out for whats best for the workers (fighters etc). My buddy is a mechanic and worked in a place represented by a Union. Every year they would go in to negotiations with the company, raise the union rates, and then not get a raise for the people in the union to pay those rates. So they would pay more money to the union and not make more money to cover it.
ConfrontationalRealist says
October 23, 2015 at 6:09 PMYou're a dickless retard. Unions are full of goons and thugs. They deserve to stand in the bread lines of hell.
sanytsan says
October 23, 2015 at 6:18 PMsuch a weak stance. Just give the bully your lunch money.
ethan199303 says
October 23, 2015 at 6:19 PMwell my favourite quote, "these kids have parents, you weren't elected to become children's parents you self-righteous clown."
floyd lavoie says
October 23, 2015 at 6:46 PMThe fuck is dana talking about he snaps on EVERYONE on twitter
Jeff Kennedy says
October 23, 2015 at 7:17 PMFuck it; that only hurts the fighters, so have at it.
That's how you bitches operate. At day's end, you think Dana White gives a shit? NOPE!
The UFC will never be union, and neither will our casinos.
FoAmY99 says
October 23, 2015 at 7:53 PMUnions are there to make money for themselves while making workers think that they're doing them a favor.
Ian Carroll says
October 23, 2015 at 8:47 PMDana looks nervous when talking about Unions. I think he see's a real issue down the road for him and the UFC. i would advise him to pay up or 18 and under will not be contributing to his bank account.
Ian Carroll says
October 23, 2015 at 9:17 PMyou need to educate your self about Unions. the corporations moved the jobs because of wages and basic workers rights. you really need to look in to the history of the works unions before you shoot.
Jeff Kennedy says
October 23, 2015 at 9:36 PMYou're a jealous cunt.
He ran a boxing gym in Boston for kids. And remember when Tito challenged Dana to a boxing match? Who pussied out of that.
Fuck off – you cunt!
Jeff Kennedy says
October 23, 2015 at 10:04 PMUnions are for pussies who act as group thugs. They're the reason corporations shipped your manufacturing jobs overseas. DUH!
We don't need these dolts fucking up MMA.
ziongite says
October 23, 2015 at 10:53 PMHow to pick up chicks using Chloroform, lol. That is seriously fucked up. Whatever idiot fighter even said that should get in big shit. Don't give idiots out there ideas.
jacob mate says
October 23, 2015 at 11:43 PMreally happy that i found a really cool way to get much more likes on my videos! check it out here: bit.ly16dONSY
kajjagoogoo says
October 23, 2015 at 11:54 PMYou try doing some research…Find me a record, some pictures…Anything beyond him teaching boxercise.
Justin Graham says
October 24, 2015 at 12:19 AMdo your research. he used to box. thats one of the reasons why his ear is so fucked up.aside from being jumped
kajjagoogoo says
October 24, 2015 at 12:20 AMHe used to teach boxercise…He can't box.
kajjagoogoo says
October 24, 2015 at 1:06 AMIt was boxercise. The guy was a boxercise coach.