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Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has directed the workers of Minhaj-ul-Quran International and Pakistan Awami Tehreek to launch mass contact campaign to bring about change in the system and make ten million people members of MQI. He said that the present system, which has been geared to protect the interests of the 3% of the elite to the detriment of 97% people, is exploitative, anti-democratic and anti-people. The workers, he said in the same context, need to step in the arena to create awareness among the masses against the cruel system.
Regretting that Pakistan’s political system is monopolized by a handful of families, he said that people are caught up in a vicious dynastic cycle. The current electoral system, he added, does not give any space to competent, honest and educated people and it must, therefore, be said good-bye. He said that the workers would have to work very hard to put these facts before the people. The present system gives space to the dishonest leadership leading them to say that they have got together to protect the system, which means protecting their vested interests. He categorically stated that the system for which political leaders across party divide have vowed to save is the enemy of people and the country. The nation should get united against this corrupt and exploitative system to regain their voice as an agent of real change.
Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said that the workers of PAT and MQI would go to the door-steps of people to make them realize of the gravity of situation and achieve the target of making ten million people members of this grand campaign. Educating people about the current state of affairs is the first responsibility of the workers.
Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri expressed these views while delivering a speech from Canada to the thousands of workers and office bearers of MQI and PAT at a prestigious Workers’ Convention at Jamia al-Minhaj the other day. Dr Raheeq Ahmad Abbasi, Secretary General of MQI, Sheikh Zahid Fayyaz, G.M. Malik, Ahmad Nawaz Anjum, and other central leaders were also present on the occasion.
Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said that dubbing the present pro-elite arrangement as democratic system is the humiliation of democracy and violation of representative rule. Both so-called religious parties and secular political forces are part of the system and hence on the same page to keep the political status quo intact for their parochial benefit. He clearly stated that MQI and PAT stood for elimination of system which the elite has established to protect their interests and not the Constitution and state structure.
He regretted that religious and political parties have said a final adieu to the culture of manifesto. Today abusing each other on TV has become another manifesto in the country. He said that political parties talk of public issues and manifesto throughout the world to seek people’s mandate but in Pakistan, the entire focus remains on the winning horses, which is the major impediment in the way of emergence of popular leadership. With people’s struggle against the corrupt system, Pakistan would get out of its current woes and be on the path of progress and prosperity.
Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said that the nation has been divided into various sectarian, ethnic and linguistic divisions under the policy of ‘divide and rule’ so that the elite could have its firm grip on power. He stated the slogans invoking democracy and religion are raised to fetch votes only. The country’s institutions are being destroyed one after the other as is reflected from the dissolution of the Higher Education Commission (HEC). He asked the people to stand up against the government’s decision to disband the HEC as it was a matter of collective interest.
Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri instructed the workers to educate people about the ill-effects of the political system currently in vogue in the country, which has made it impossible for people to determine their own future. He said that the Parliament has failed to rise up to the expectations of people and resolve their problems. “It is nothing more than a debating forum. It is people’s chief responsibility to bring about change in the system. The workers of PAT and MQI are working tirelessly for the promotion of peace, interfaith dialogue and harmony in the world,” he concluded.
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Taken From:
بیداری شعور
Serial No: 1462
Speech No: Ib-88
Language: Urdu
Event: All Pakistan Workers Convention 2011
Place: Baghdad Town, Lahore
Dated on: April 09, 2011
Category: Tehreeki-o-Tarbiati Nashistain–by-Shaykh-ul-Islam…
chubs4u says
December 9, 2015 at 7:07 PM@ServingIslam the people & corporations behind puppet leaders like the present pr obama serve a zionist order like AIPAC working for the establishment of a zionist occupation ISRAEL..i am not just saying this..its all documented evidence..even the hadiths point toward this..peace
chubs4u says
December 9, 2015 at 7:18 PM@ServingIslam salam..r u from pakistan..i really admire & respect dr sab for his knowledge, wisdom, intuition, character, humbleness etc..but when it comes to the west & its leaders he seems either too lenient if he knows or maybe he does not know..for example..the elite leaders in USA especially are mostly all related to each other..they are freemasons, luciferians, zionists etc..working for the same agenda..the coming of their messiah..dajjal..hope to chat more soon..peace
Serving Islam says
December 9, 2015 at 7:19 PM@chubs4u
Dr.Sahab fully knows international least in western governments leader are not corrupt like Pakistani politicians .he is comparing that aspect. Let alone true Islamic government these corrupt politicians can not even bring that western democracy in pak which at least gives basic rights to there public.
chubs4u says
December 9, 2015 at 7:48 PMthe zionists/satanists will not let a good man lead pakistan..if people vote one in then USA & ISRAEL will wage war against pakistan..dr sab needs to know this if he does not already know..the western world is not a democracy it is only looks fair from the ouset..peace