Mr. Hughes lays a little lovin’ on you in the form of a short summary of the elite theory of government. No not communist propaganda or the Democratic playbook of hamming up class warfare, just an honest analysis of the intention of the founding fathers when drafting the Constitution.
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Video Rating: / 5
The Clinton-Bush Oligarchy Again for 2016.
The American political scene is moving far more towards an oligarchy than ever before. Unfortunately people are generally corralled into opposing groups whereby each group is actually led by the ruling elite or oligarchy. Independent thought and action has become completely lacking in American politics. Over 99% of the people who actually do bother to vote, will only choose one of the two major political parties, both of which are led from the top by the American ruling class. The two-party system is, in fact, controlled by the ruling elite or oligarchy of America. This can be somewhat represented by the Clinton-Bush political competition that has occurred over the years. They intramural competitors who are the best of friends when not in the public limelight. This is a clear example of a charade that is being played on the American people, whereby the illusion of choice is presented, yet both “opposing” groups both serve the ruling elite.
Video Rating: / 5
nakira calcote says
October 8, 2015 at 6:36 PMHi, do u have a video on chapter 2 "Origins of America" For example explaining in depth what is the bicameral?
Donald J says
October 8, 2015 at 6:43 PMIn good buys at second hand shops.. seems there's nothing more evil than to waste… Got a super good $200 vac for a buck.. Two of its filters were clogged "to the ninth".. Took it to the car-wash.. It's like new…
You know the rest.. You know how much you waste.. You figure it out…
You tell me.. Why is this a throwaway culture..?
It looks like we're killing this planet in using it up too fast and hard, as if it's a disposable item, when it's Home.. Our Only home..
Humanity needs an attitude change to beat its inevitable impending extinction..
You who live on planet Humanity Must leave this planet better than you found it, or you is in hell forever.. Life itself decides whether you are to continue on in life or not.. Life knows you inside and out.. Life must love you for you to continue on in the rest of life..
Bottomline: You get more life from Life if you are worth it to Life.. Life itself is your god.. Listen to her.. She's playing sweet music to you, like in "august rush"… Life's love is everywhere all the time just for the hearing taking and being.. That's "Love".. a little more than your everyday "friction & squirt" sessions…
Seems there's nothing worse than to waste…
It may well be that this world is in hell as much as it wastes.. Scary!, but it makes too much sense… I needs to sit down…
It sort of means we're in hell by choice.. That's even scarier..
So there humanity.. are some of you ready to get out of hell..?
Not to worry there hell.. It means you'll have less monkeys to feed and cleanup after..
Have your service call my service.. We'll show you how good it feels to kiss my ass…
Anyone out there got a small lab I could use for a while..?
I've got this here new mountain bike to invent and build.. suitable for silent game-trails..
Marketed by the Barter system Only, so poor people can have some good life too…
Can we get a few happy intelligent people who love all life, come together to form a small community where we can get away from the haters and the psychopathic narcissists.. Would you like to start a new town..? It's in me to do it.. A small isolated closed community based on Barter Reality, and Love..
Every month or so, I'll walk through the town in the middle of the night, sprinkling a $grand in toonies along the sidewalks.. just for something fun to do in a boring evening.. A little town that's just one big healthy happy family, the way Life meant us to live life.. No-Waste what's so ever.. We don't want to be stuck propagating and living in their hell trajectory/destination… We want the rest of Life to love us so we will be a part of the rest of Life forever.. Could name the town "Love"..? Run a referendum, and take notes and votes before deciding when to hold the second vote…
Every election should be a double ballot.. to teach, to learn, to change, to grow, and to enable the nation to "weed out the chaff and the poo"..
A single vote does not seem to be "democratic" enough to be truly "democratic"..
At least try it.. Run a vote on something trivial a couple times, then calculate percentages.. Is it different..? the same..? Does it show a deeper honesty reality fairness and accuracy..? Does the result feel better to your own ethics of fairness..? Every ballot should run till it results in a 75% win, then you have truth…
There should be two presidents per term, in tandem..
Ditto for kings, PM's, queens..
What if there were two bosses in tandem in every where there are bosses..? Me thinks it would make humanity formidable and mighty…
Can this next election please be done so as to elect two PM's this term.. to see how great a nation they can make of our Canada..? And can it please not be cokeheads nor alkies..? Make drug testing be prerequisite for all candidates.. Black list all positives from all government jobs…
Marvin Martian says
October 8, 2015 at 6:47 PMJohn Adams called these peasants the "Mob". And his benevolent cousin, Sam, wanted these peasants hung for treason. James Madison wanted the powers to be in the hands of the wealthy. For those who think the founding fathers were for freedom and democracy are uneducated.
Robert Romano says
October 8, 2015 at 7:40 PMThere is only one "democratic" style Government in the world. Switzerland, period!
If you don't believe me then I suggest you find out where the people vote for everything from immigration to laws etc. All other so called democracies are fake.
You "vote" for a person you don't even know who "votes" for policies and laws they don't even read or understand because they are intentionally complex and have hundreds of pages of rhetoric and lawyer speak that takes a "lawyer" to even comprehend? You even "vote" for lawyers which is expressly forbidden by your own constitution? Heck even your "president" is a constitutional lawyer?
But this is not to say that Switzerland is a "good" nation even though it has the only true democratic government on earth. Personally I think that the majority of the people haven't the slightest idea what or whom they are voting for and aren't even intelligent enough to figure out anything they're told in the first place and yet the "Majority" gets to dictate to the others? Poppycock! The world cannot have a true government unless they have proven to be honest teachers of the ridiculously undereducated masses.
Also if you look at all the elite's castles and corporations in Switzerland all you will see is illuminati symbolism? What's going on?
(Check out youtube videos for more on this) and most Swiss people aren't even aware of it? The BANKERS country has the only fair democracy? The bankers country never chooses sides? Has never been attacked by another country? Head of the Rothschilds is in Switzerland? Innocent? You send two senators to congress from every state to make policy as if Utah has as many people as California? Democracy?
If Switzerland (the country that it's bank Ceo's suppliy the cash to both sides in all conflicts) seems to only want a "fair" Demo(n)cra(zy)tic Government for their own people by their own people, yet abstains from getting involved in the affairs of other countries then we get to the Nitty gritty of who is really controlling the world and they aren't your average millionaire, The Billionaires control everything, practically. Sometimes you gotta look at the most seemingly innocent people, places and things (religion, Government, currency etc.) and wonder why?
My friend once told me "if your money isn't safe in the bank then where is it safe", really?
Usury is the demon of this world and no government or ism will change the world unless it is eradicated. If there is a Devil his home is in a bank!
Emmanuel Kizito says
October 8, 2015 at 8:00 PMYou mention Hamilton as an example of a founding father representing elitism. Yet, he IS technically only one representation of the debate at the time. The Bill of Rights was written specifically by Anti-Federalists who opposed Hamilton as a way of strengthening the public and preventing them from subversion from a tyrannical government.
As for the checks and balances, I can see your point. A government creates public policy which helps the masses. If the government is created a complicated system lengthening the public policy creation process and allowing the susceptibility of gridlock, then the masses aren't being represented.
But one has to remember that the elite have to go through the exact same system and the elite theory also reflects that the elite has its own self interests that are being limited by a cumbersome system. So the way our government is created isn't really a reflection of elite theory.
A reflection of elite theory would the inherent advantages that the elite have over the masses in creating public policy, electing officials, and getting things passed. For example, campaign donations have been deregulated so now billionaires can practically empty their pockets for a candidate's election. That would be an example of the "one-up" the elite have over the general public.
So in sum, I don't think the Constitution was formed to appeal to elites but elite theory is still prominently displayed in our "democracy" if you can call elite theory democracy that.
Alicia Fox says
October 8, 2015 at 8:10 PMI'm not sure if the FF meant for America to be an elite democracy or not, but that doesn't really matter b/c this is what it's become. If you believe in Plebius & Aristotle's theory of anacyclosis, the cyclical theory of the evolution of political evolution, then you'll understand that America is likely on the verge of a revolution (whether big or small, bloody or peaceful). The middle class is shrinking and growing more disgruntled. Social media has enlightened many Americans to just how thoroughly controlled our government is by the elite. The politicians are shams acting almost exclusively in the interest of the small handful of wealthy. And the shrinking middle class WILL rise up. I believe the first signs of this that you see is the election of a socialist-leaning Obama, growing support for universal healthcare, even if done using the right-wing model. There will come a day when middle class folks have fallen so far from their ideals, total elite control of the government can't be challenged by using the political process anymore, inflation is rising rapidly, oil production is slowing and its prices are rising, jobs are dwindling (sounds like 2014 right??!) and the masses, the poor and middle classes, will embrace a spark (the stimuli that kicked off the Arab Spring or the American Revolution over 200 yrs ago here) and there WILL BE a revolution. It doesn't have to be bloody (Ghandi succeeded with little bloodshed), it doesn't have to be long (some of the countries in the Arab Spring succeeded in only several weeks) but it does have to happen. A new power structure will be established and Aristotle's theory of anacyclosis will be seen, alive and well, once more. Just my opinion :-)
Margaret says
October 8, 2015 at 8:59 PMHello there! Do you have a video about democracy vs republic? I have a debate and I have to address why US is not Democratic, hope you can help me Thanks :)
TheCaptainSlappy says
October 8, 2015 at 9:46 PMI hereby support Hip Hughes for President.
I am Duykhoa says
October 8, 2015 at 9:52 PMYou definitely got me there.
Keith Hughes says
October 8, 2015 at 9:56 PMThat's why I said "better".
ericaisright says
October 8, 2015 at 9:57 PMWhat do you mean? A Clinton has been in office only 8 years, same as Reagan, one person. A Bush was either President or Vice president for 20 years.
Stop Hillary 2016! says
October 8, 2015 at 10:02 PMI've also noticed that she always plays the victim too. She's a whiner and complainer.
Mythra13 says
October 8, 2015 at 10:32 PMIn a country of over 313,000,000 people, all we can get a choice between is a Bush or Clinton that's not just silly, it's insulting. If this is what happens in 2016, it's deserving of a revolution. Although there's much worse things going on the country more riot inducing and TPTB get away with it, so I guess I won't be genuinely surprised when they pull out these two dirt bags for a "presidential race". Watch House of Cards if you buy into the false persona that these sorts of people put out.
ThePatriotMuckraker says
October 8, 2015 at 10:41 PMThe pro-russia shills are out there making absurd statement like "the west is forcing Russia. . ." Knowing a little about Russian history, and culture, no one is "forcing" Russia to "do" anything. Russians are very deliberate people who's political class are well versed at political chess. Add to that self interest and you begin to see this who idea that it is solely a "westrn conspiracy" is bovine excrement.
ThePatriotMuckraker says
October 8, 2015 at 10:55 PMI've reconsidered, and I WILL vote, third party that is. I'm voting to silence the useful idiots who say that voting counts. My vote will count as both opposition and proof that the system is rigged;)
JamesSOCO2006 says
October 8, 2015 at 11:19 PMClinton vs. Bush. Hello Feudalism. Didn't the West go through a whole series of wars and revolutions to rid ourselves of the vice of Feudalism? Shame it's come back.
Crap 4 Brains says
October 8, 2015 at 11:34 PMMany scientists agree our brains have actually shrunk since ancient times due to more gang and mob mentality and less need for independent thought. I find it interesting how the masses consider a dictatorship to be awful and pure evil yet they clearly want to be dictated. "The president will do this for me, do that for me, he's gonna fix this, and that, blah blah." The majority of people truly are sheep.
emrguns1 says
October 8, 2015 at 11:38 PMThey also may be losing some priceless gold to Ukraine. Maybe this will be payment for the water? I am more concerned about our government buying up all the ammo.
NoName NoFame says
October 9, 2015 at 12:13 AMyup.. most people are just sheeple… 🙁 that's why democracy is destined to lead to oligarchy
Gman539 says
October 9, 2015 at 12:59 AMNew study from professors at Princeton out last week says America is an oligarchy. Google it.
Gman539 says
October 9, 2015 at 1:58 AMNew study from professors at Princeton out last week says America is an oligarchy. Google it.
plaubel28 says
October 9, 2015 at 2:24 AMAny third party candidate who becomes too popular will be taken down by the MSM. Failing that, they will be taken down by other means.