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E. V. K. S. Elangovan Releases List of Corruption Charges against AIADMK Government – Thanthi TV
E. V. K. S. Elangovan Releases List of Corruption Charges against AIADMK Government – Thanthi TV Catch us LIVE @ Follow us on – Facebook @ Follow us on – Twitter @ Video Rating: / 5
The public is fed up with the corrupt policies of BJP and Congress: Kejriwal
The good showing of the Aam Aadmi Party is a reflection of the angst of the common man who is exasperated with the corruption that has become the byword of the prominent political parties in India. That ordinary men and women could contest and win elections is testimony to the fact that India seeks change […]
SHAME, SHAME!!! Congress Lets 9/11 First Responders Bill Expire
Congress has gone into recess without voting on legislation that would extend healthcare to 9/11 first responders. Ana Kasparian (The Point) and Ben Mankiewicz (What The Flick?! & TYT Sports) discuss. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. Read more here: “The health care program for 9/11 first responders expired at […]
The ED Show – Republicans to vote on healthcare repeal for 31st time
July 10, 2012 Republicans in the House are poised to repeal the Affordable Care Act Wednesday. It will be this congress’ 31st vote to either dismantle or outright repeal Affordable Care. Speaker Boehner insists Americans want the GOP to keep trying to repeal health care reform. But the latest polls show he’s just flat out […]
A Constitutional Convention for California? Robert Stern, Center for Governmental Studies
A Constitutional Convention for California? “Reform of the Initiative Process” Robert Stern, Center for Governmental Studies. A public forum on the possibility of the first constitutional convention in California since 1879. The Broad Stage, Santa Monica College. July 17th, 2009. (Filming by Dutch Merrick, Video Rating: / 5 […]
Making Health Care Reform Work: Impact on California
A panel of experts explores how healthcare reform will proceed in California, including how the details of reform may affect the state. Series: “Institute of Governmental Studies, UC Berkeley (IGS)” [4/2011] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 20621] Video Rating: / 5 Listening to the Voice of the People – Dr. Gerry Dembrowski Addresses Concerns of […]
Who Serves Black Voters’ Economic Interests, Democratic or Republican Presidents?
“Minority outreach is still on the Republican agenda. The Republican National Committee has hired dozens of black and Latino field representatives, and Chairman Reince Priebus has made the rounds at churches and historically black colleges across the country. Conservatives continue to argue that Democrats have been bad for blacks, Latinos, and other minorities. ‘What we’re […]
FRAUD & THEFT: Financial Crime is Now a Business Model – Ron Hera
Ron Hera of joins me for an in-depth conversation about what he calls ‘the computer generated dream world’ in which we live, where financial CRIME has become a business model. The TBTF road is paved with currency debasement and the mathematical certainty of HYPERINFLATION in the United States sometime between 2016 – 2020. These […]
Thailand’s Anti-Corruption Drive
ANCHOR: Looking back, Thailand’s anti-corruption drive has claimed the career of former PM Thaksin Shinawatra but few believe the kingdom is any closer to ridding itself of pervasive graft. This initiative is welcomed but even the watchdog association set up by the army does not believe corruption can be eradicated so easily. Nevertheless, there is […]