Abby Martin features an exclusive interview with former Minnesota Governor, Jesse Ventura, covering everything from the myth of voter fraud to endless war in GAO: ObamaCare exchanges vulnerable to fraud – FoxTV Political News Strategy Room: Nomiki Konst and T.J. McCormack debate flaws in ObamaCare system Video Rating: / 5
Taking On Andrew Cuomo (w/ Zephyr Teachout)
New York Gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout explains why she is challenging Andrew Cuomo in the Democratic Party Primary, Cuomo’s betrayals on labor, public education, immigration, his one percent agenda economic agenda, why Cuomo is making inequality worse, Zephr’s commitment to public education, Andrew Cuomo’s corrupt conduct on his own corruption commission, the crisis of corruption […]
Obama Corruption Investigation By GOP?
New TYT Network channels: New TYT Facebook Page(!): Follow us on Twitter: DISCOUNTS: FREE Movies(!): Note: The above two links are for TYT sponsors. Read Ana’s blog and subscribe at: TYT Network (new WTF?! channel): Check Out TYT Interviews
ACAMS 12th Annual AML & Financial Crime Conference – Europe
Meet face-to-face with some of the world’s leading financial executives and government officials next spring in London during the ACAMS 12th Annual AML & Financial Crime Conference – Europe. This two-day non-stop learning event provides key insight into emerging money laundering and financial crime threats, the latest prevention techniques and a practical understanding of new […]
Warren Evans: More Rotten Machine Politics
Another product of the McNamara-Ficano machine, and the only candidate more corrupt than the incompetent incumbent Bob Ficano. That’s your frontrunner for Wayne County Executive, Warren Evans. If you agree picking the right leader to clean up Ficano’s mess is important, please SHARE this video. It sums up the record of Warren Evans, the candidate […]
How Did LBJ Make His Money? The Disturbing Story of His Political Rise and Corruption (1990)
In 1937, Johnson successfully contested a special election for Texas’s 10th congressional district, that covered Austin and the surrounding hill country. He ran on a New Deal platform and was effectively aided by his wife. He served in the House from April 10, 1937, to January 3, 1949. President Franklin D. Roosevelt found Johnson to […]
The Republican Party Satanic Pentagrams from 2000
Courtesy of RT The symbols on the Republican elephant were turned upside down into Pentagrams, in line with all the multiple examples we have of Satanic symbols and hand signs being used by these same fraudsters. Quite simple to understand yet there are still a minority out there who refuse to see what has been […]
Going Long: Short-Term Decision Making in Business & Government | Institute of Politics
IOP Spring 2015 Visiting Fellow and Former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor joined The Boston Globe Political Editor, Shira T. Center, in conversation at the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum. Congressman Cantor discussed the current state of the Republican Party, immigration and campaign finance reform, and the current focus on short term victories over long […]
Popular The Rachel Maddow Show & Republican Party videos
At the GOP presidential candidates latest debate at Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire, a spirited exchange erupted between Texas Rep. Ron Paul, and former Senator Rick Santorum over corruption. (Jan. 7)
BBC Spotlight – Iris Robinson affair and DUP corruption (Documentary)
The Iris Robinson scandal, also known as Irisgate, was a political scandal in Northern Ireland involving Iris Robinson, the wife of Northern Ireland’s First Minister Peter Robinson, who was a serving MP and MLA for the Democratic Unionist Party, representing Strangford in both assemblies. In January 2010, a BBC Northern Ireland documentary revealed that Iris […]