Crime is the black side of coin if society has two faces. Life may not be exactly as simple as segregating black from white but ideals are what keep forces motivated. We are expected to follow the norms meant for common good and whenever we deviate from them for our selfish being we violate rules […]
The RED PILL – Government Corruption Exposed
Video Rating: / 5
Meir Dagan | Status Briefing on Iran & Electoral and Governmental Reform in Israel
Meir Dagan shares with the BINA community his experience as former Director of the Mossad and discusses his insights for electoral and governmental reform in Israel. Approximately 10 bills calling for a controversial regional elections in Israel, were presented to the Knesset between 1958 and 1988 and were all rejected by small parties. Mr. Dagan […]
America Votes: Mitt Romney on the Middle Class
Richard French, Andrew Whitman, Dominic Carter, and political corespondent Bill O’Reilly discuss Mitt Romney and the middle class on Richard French Live. Video Rating: / 5 U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor calling on Senate Democrats to focus on the middle class, not on a poll-tested, campaign-crafted […]
Financial Crime
Brian Caplen, editor of The Banker, discusses financial crime compliance with Tom Scampion, global risk analytics leader, Deloitte and Luc Meurant who is head of banking, markets and compliance services at Swift. Video Rating: / 5
Sarah Silverman On Political Correctness
Recently Jerry Seinfeld and other prominent comedians said they will no longer perform at colleges and universities because they feel the environment is too politically correct. Vanity Fair asked Sarah Silverman about this topic and she had a different perspective. While she said it is impossible to not offend everyone, she said it is important […]
An Introduction To Financial Crime
Is it Time To Disband the Republican Party?
While the Republican Party may have started out with some progressivism in its blood – today all that party cares about is money – big business – and serving the needs of the wealthy elite. Today’s Republican Party is completely corrupt. It’s that simple. And in America – when something is filled with corruption – […]
“Political Fraud” by ClassWarFilms
Hard look behind the curtain, stopping the corporatocracy, revolution, political reality In statements by Golden Dawn’s spokesperson to State television, the Movement answered to the ridiculous Varoufakis serial, which for days now the media have been airing, in an effort to distract public opinion, as the Troika occupies government agencies and implements the burdensome Memorandum. […]
Congress breaks the
Congress is breaking the law….again.