Some TV anchors – Lou Dobbs among them – have signaled the immense corruption reigning at all levels of government in Mexico. One area in particular has suffered huge losses due to that concept since its nationalization in 1938: the oil industry. “One reason is a rottenness at Pemex’s core. The company loses at least […]
Political Correctness Kills Conversation
The standard of racism is becoming more and more embarrassing. Now we can’t even engage in conversations without being racist. Political correctness once again kills the conversation. Welcome to the progressive stack where straight white men have to shut the fuck up otherwise it’s racist/sexist/oppressive. Source: The origins of “political correctness” or “cultural […]
The Monday Moan: Career politicians!!!
Here is the first of The Monday Moan’s!!!! I have a good old moan about career politicians and the corrupt joke that politics has now become! A Up info! FACEBOOK: TWITTER: @aup_letstalk INTRO MUSIC BY: TWITTER: @North_EastAudio Video Rating: / 5 Special Thanks to Washington is corrupt – by career politicians. Newt […]
Legalized Corruption of Government Exposed by Abramoff
Former lobbyist Jack Abramoff (who spent time in prison after pleading guilty to corrupting public officials) exposed how the U.S. government is legally corrupted. The Young Turks Cenk Uygur breaks down clips from his 60 Minutes interview. Subscribe to The Young Turks: The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: Facebook: […]
DemocRat Wears a Wire to Rat out his Fellow Crooked Politicians
New York is ruled by a criminal class whose motto is, ‘Where’s mine?’ and whose members expect the answer in cash’ — and top elected leaders are shamefully enabling the rampant corruption. The Bronx state assemblyman’s corruption scandal proves politics can sink to new lows, as politicians with rap sheets are allowed to work in […]
Paul Craig Roberts-US Government Most Corrupt on Earth
On the teetering economy and possible economic collapse, former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, “We know something serious is wrong. The only provision of Dodd-Frank that has any teeth is the provision that says if the big banks are going to be casinos and gamble on derivatives, they cannot do that in […]
Corruption is Legal in America
Learn more at http://Represent.Us/TheProblem, and go to to see our plan and join the Anti-Corruption Movement. Click on “show more” to view our sources. 1. Gilens and Page, “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens,” Perspective on Politics, 2014. 2. Washington Post, “Rich People Rule!” 2014. 3. Washington […]
3. Better To Vote No One – Than Corrupt Republican/Democratic Party Who Permit Stasi – 10/19/2014
. First a Corrupt Oceanside Police passes by as we get out of our car. Then a lady with a RED pocketbook. Here we’ve gone only a few steps away from our car as a man with a RED shirt comes up the pretty empty street. I would like to emphasize I never say anyone […]
Thousand Voices Against Corruption
Anna Hazare is a 72-year old disciple of Mahatma Gandhi who sees himself as a moral crusader, whose purpose is to expose corruption by India’s politicians and bureaucrats and holding them accountable for their misdeeds. So far he has been largely unsuccessful; unable to buck a political system that winks at financial wrongdoing, but he […]
Political and criminal situation in Bihar
Crime is an action which is against the law. We learn about the crime from the society. As we grow, we get to know the right and wrong thing in our life. In recent years, criminal cases in India have increased and Bihar is one of the notable places of crime. Bihar is always i8nvolved […]