Panelists explore various legislative and governmental efforts, such as the No Child Left Behind Act and the Race to the Top contest, used to address the achievement gap in education. Hear from government officials, education specialists, and NGO representatives working to address these important issues on a local and statewide basis. Video Rating: / 5
Political Corruption?
Lobbyist should have the right to make signs, march and protest. Outlaw a lobbyists and corporate contributions to political candidates, it should be possible? Is it really the Corporation’s fault for a corrupt government? After all, if you do not play the game in Washington, DC and support through political contributions the political infrastructure then […]
Dekalb Co. town hall/Democratic party meetings and local non-corruption
Bridgemon talks about Dekalb County party politics. Video Rating: / 5 Video Rating: / 5
Corruption of the Republican Party
In this weekly video news update for May 7-13, 2012, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses Ron Paul and the Republican Party; Canada goes penniless; Al Qaeda still a Russian asset; Jobless students pose a problem; and Recall in Wisconsin and syndicalism.
Chairman Johnson’s remarks at the HSGAC hearing on regulatory reform
Chairman Johnson’s remarks at the Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee hearing: “A Review of Regulatory Reform Proposals. on 9-16-15.” Witnesses: The Honorable Susan E. Dudley Director, Regulatory Studies Center and Distinguished Professor of Practice George Washington University Sidney A. Shapiro Frank U. Fletcher Chair in Administrative Law Wake Forest University and Vice President, Center […]
Gov’t update nature philosophy women in politix Mens Corrupt crony capitalism Republicrats
I don’t know – who did you vote for? Do THEY understand yet? no they do not wake up. Get humbled,.By Lawrence Davidson November 16, 2014 “ICH” – Given the dangerous results of the recent election in the United States – one that saw the Republicans, a right-wing party increasingly populated with neocon warmongers, reactionaries, […]
SHOCKING! BANNED In America! EXPOSING Obama Would Reveal The Depth Of US Government Corruption
Shocking! Banned In America! Exposing Obama Would Reveal The Depth Of US Government Corruption Wake Up My People! “COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE” We’ll soon see Zion Praise “AHAYAH” Video Rating: / 5
BNP Paribas Fine Shows Financial Crime Still Pays Big Time
Bill Black: Federal regulators remain the leading opponents of vigorous prosecutions Video Rating: / 5
Thom Hartmann talks about a new study that shows the average American has no say in the political process with Dr. Martin Gilens, Professor of Politics at Princeton University / Co-Author (w/Professor Benjamin Page of Northwestern University) of the new study, Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens, author several books, […]
The Right Idea, Episode 31 – Middle Class Voters
What new strategies will help Republicans connect with Middle America? Kristen chats with the writers of “Grand New Party” – Ross Douthat from The New York Times and Reihan Salam from the New America Foundation – about key issues leaders must address when reaching out to voters. Prognosticator Wayne Allyn Root is betting that outside […]