Labours Immigration Policy — BNP 2010 Election Broadcast (Unoffical)
Global Warming isn’t increasing poverty in Africa, The Labour Party of Britain ARE.. For many years the British establishment have looted Africa and Asia of their workforce for cheap staff. Increasing the poverty gap and making the small nations of Africa unstable in terms of social and economic order. The British National Party doesn’t believe […]
Hillary And The GOP 2016 Candidates And Their Corrupt Donors
Hillary And The GOP 2016 Candidates And Their Corrupt Donors BUY THE DR. OF COMMON SENSE APP TODAY http://whateverhappentocommonsense.com/buy-app-get-dr-common-sense-day/ JOIN E.T. ‘S PREMIER TEAM drofcommonsense@gmail.com NEW COMEDY STATION http://www.youtube.com/user/DrofCommo… Join The Talk Show Every Wednesday http://www.blogtalkradio.com/common-sense-nation Buy From Amazon http://www.amazon.com/?&tag=whtcs… http://www.blogtalkradio.com/common-s… BUY THE NEW BOOK ON AMAZON CALLED “Your Cow Is Not HOLY” http://goo.gl/kbwHc8 Get […]
Hong Kong Journalist Attack Spurs Support for Freedom of Media
Hong Kong Journalist Attack Spurs Support for Freedom of Media Thousands gathered outside the Hong Kong government headquarters yesterday to protest the knife attack on former newspaper editor Kevin Lau and continue voicing support for press freedom. Lau, former editor in chief at Hong Kong’s Ming Pao newspaper, was stabbed in the legs and back […]
Intervención Galo Chiriboga en el 13vo Crime Congress (Doha, 2015)
Galo Chiriboga Zambrano, fiscal General del Estado, intervino este lunes 13 en el debate de alto nivel del 13o. Congreso de Prevención del Delito y Justicia Penal. Durante su discurso en este encuentro que se realiza Doha, Qatar, abordó varios temas de interés nacional relacionados con el fortalecimiento de la prevención del delito y justicia […]
Why Hillary Clinton Should Not Be US President
A 2nd Clinton presidency would be a disaster. The Clinton family’s position at the top of governing, financial, and charitable elites guarantees a dangerously powerful and corrupt presidency or endless scandal. The Democratic Party might not survive it… The New Republic article on Corruption at the Clinton Global Initiative can be found here: http://www.newrepublic.com/article/114790/how-doug-band-drove-wedge-through-clinton-dynasty The […]
Steven Pinker on Taboos, Political Correctness, and Dissent
FIRE President Greg Lukianoff interviews Harvard psychology professor and bestselling author Steven Pinker about his books, the crucial role dissent plays in keeping society sane, the special importance of free speech on campus, and the origins of political correctness. Professor Pinker, a member of FIRE’s Board of Advisors, is the author of The Blank Slate, […]
Roland Martin Says Donald Trump Is Politically Ridiculous And A Political Fraud
Roland Martin and Will Cain joined Kyra Phillips in the CNN Newsroom to discuss Romney’s comments about not being concerned with the poor and Donald Trump’s endorsement of Mitt. Video Rating: / 5 27 August – The head of the International Monetary Fund is being investigated over her alleged role in a political fraud case. […]
Four Horsemen – Feature Documentary – Official Version
FOUR HORSEMEN is an award winning independent feature documentary which lifts the lid on how the world really works. As we will never return to ‘business as usual’ 23 international thinkers, government advisors and Wall Street money-men break their silence and explain how to establish a moral and just society. FOUR HORSEMEN is free from […]