Video Rating: / 5 Common Law has been replaced with Talmudic Law – Patrick Cullinane SEE VIDEO . Gordon Bowden knows the BBC are complicite and LORD HALL is up to some strange goings on which will in my view put him on death row, if he escapes the crowd. “NED KELLY” LENI and his […]
Team Arpaio: Crime Committed; People Will Appear Before Congress Or Go To Prison
Gerald Celente calls out Jamie “two-bit” Dimon and his Financial Crime Syndicate
Welcome to Capital Account. What we are seeing across the Western world is exactly what happens when faith in the systems of governance and commerce are shaken to such a degree that the emerging cracks in the foundation appear too large and the holes too gaping to fix by traditional means. Nowhere is this more […]
How Andrew Cuomo is Deceiving the Public Again
Josh Orton the Political Director for Progressives United joins us to discuss the Supreme Court’s McCutcheon ruling in terms of Andrew Cuomo’s betrayal on clean elections… This clip from the Majority Report, live M-F at 12 noon EST and via daily podcast at http://Majority.FM Subscribe to us on YouTube:
Anger Erupts At Convention Due To GOP Corruption
The GOP showed how corrupt their Party is after the way they treated Ron Paul and his supporters this past year. Sad that they won’t win any over to vote for Mitt Romney!
Government Corruption USA, Stopped By “We The People!”
Informative videos on US government corruption targeted at American citizens under 18: Uncle Tom Horne’s Cabin (28 min): Schoolchildren rights (90 sec): Arizona Victory. First State to Abolish CPS through AZ Op! activism (17 min): Arizona Governor Jan Brewer issues an Executive Order abolishing CPS, Monday, Janurary 13, 2014, indicating that I could […]
Moldova: Protesters gather in Chisinau as Ex-PM Vlad Filat faces corruption charges
Hundreds of supporters and opponents of former Moldovan Prime Minister Vlad Filat gathered outside the Buiucani courthouse in Chisinau, Sunday, as the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party awaits news on the extension of the period of his arrest. Filat was detained on Thursday on corruption charges. Video ID: 20151018-020 Video on Demand: Contact: […]
Crime Victims’ Compensation Will Be Paid By Prisoners, Says Government
Victims of crime who have been unable to claim the compensation to which they feel they are entitled will be given a boost after the government revealed it is set to introduce new measures that will see prisoners working a full-time week, with proceeds of their labour going to pay compensation to those affected by […]
Congress Barely Works, Shocking Numbers
“Capitol Hill’s reputation as the “do-nothing Congress” is well-deserved. The current session of Congress is on track to pass historically fewer laws of substance, according to an analysis by The Hill. In fact, the major bills that have cleared the 113th Congress to date are nearly all “must-pass” measures or reauthorizations of existing law. Laws […]
American Voter Revolution
It is laughable that just as most Negroes who voted for Obama, thinking he would personally enrich their lives, as it is for White Middle Class Americans who think the Government of today (Republican or Democrat) still has the White Man’s back. Neither are a reality. Race does not matter to THEM. They make it […]