Lake Co Court of Common Pleas hub of Ohio’s Corrupt Career Politicians, Judges, Prosecutors, and Attorneys. That “think” they are above the law and will not be exposed for “Jury Shopping” or unlawful ‘Stuck Method’ currently in practice to hand pick the type of jurors that voted these treasonous bastards into office. But if you […]
History 000007
Storm of Crime on the Horizon
There is a storm on the horizon. However, it is not a natural or climatic storm, but a storm of crime, unfortunately to say! Due to economic, social and governmental factors, the United States will soon see a massive increase in crime and criminal activity. There are three seemingly independent situations that are going […]
FP017 Corporatism: A marriage of left and right
So how is it that while the welfare state grows and economies stagnate the rich get richer? Corporatism is part of the answer. Corporatism appeases the political and economic ambitions of the left and the right. Ultimately those in the productive economy pay the price. Centuries of hard times for the labouring masses eventually gave […]
most corrupted indian NETAS *As a Twitter debates whether to #CancelColbert, Fox News personality Geraldo Rivera may have sparked a similar hashtag of his own. Rivera made his own offensive remarks Friday morning during a “Fox & Friends” debate on media coverage of recent political scandals involving Democratic public officials. “Usually, the politicians who are […]
President Obama: Great Crowds, Early Voting and Finishing Strong – America Forward! Tour in Denver
Follow the America Forward! Tour on Tumblr: http://OFA.BO/SKxZuK President Obama is on a two-day, non-stop “America Forward!” tour with grassroots events in Iowa, Colorado and Nevada. On Thursday President Obama will continue the tour with grassroots events in Florida, Virginia and Ohio. The “America Forward!” tour will crisscross the nation, reaching as many voters as […]
Model Risk Management Across All Financial Crime Applications
Increasing numbers of risk and compliance models are being developed and implemented within financial institutions globally to help meet regulatory requirements. Models for managing customer risk scoring and (enhanced) customer due diligence risk, transaction monitoring and watch-list management are some examples. Many organizations first applied model risk management practices to areas such as financial and […]
Legal System Basics: Crash Course Government and Politics #18
This week Craig Benzine takes a first look at the judicial branch. It’s pretty easy to forget that the courts, and the laws that come out of them, affect our lives on a daily basis. But how exactly these decisions are made and where each law’s jurisdiction starts and ends can get pretty complicated. So […]
Politics Today: ‘Catch And Shoot Corrupt Public Officers’, Ogunlewe Advises Pt.3
In a reporter on corruption with countries’ rankings, Transparency International placed Nigeria 136 in the world. It said there is 94 per cent corruption within the political parties and the Executive Arm of government, 92 per cent in the Nigeria Police Force. The judiciary and Legislature equally don’t have a good rating at all. If […]
Congress Passed Law “The Bible The Word Of God”
Public Law 97-280 from the 97th Congress and signed by President Ronald Reagan also