(Language and content warning:) Gavin McInnes of TheRebel.media reports: We lost a soldier this week in the war on political correctness. Sgt. Sarah Silverman fought many great battles over the years. She refused to apologize after making a Chink joke. In fact, she upped the ante and accused her accusers of going pee pee in […]
Greg Walden votes for plan to balance the budget, create American jobs
“The Republican budget actually balances in ten years, and that’s important because that’s how we are going to create significant new jobs in America for the middle class. The Democrats’ budget alternatives never balance. Yet we know their plans raise upwards of a trillion dollars in higher taxes and still never balance the federal budget. […]
World Today
Minute Memo #185 – Rubio Cast Deciding Fast Track Vote
Good evening, I’m still reporting on politics. With the departure of Scott Walker from the Republican presidential race, and Jeb Bush still declining in the polls, the Republican establishment is placing heavy bets on the two major anti-Trump candidates left – Carly Fiorina and Marco Rubio. Just remember that Rubio was the leader of the […]
Swurve Obama Blamed VOTE for Barack, (LETUM FINISH)
Rise up middle class America we are the 99 percent. “Nine hundred and eleven skeletons in presedent Bushes Closet begining with his position and how he coped it leaving our budget overflowing like a faucet theiving officials will point fingers as if pres Obama caused it, STOP IT YOU KNOW YALL ARE ALL ABOUT A […]
Inside Story: How corrupt is South Africa?
Protesters have marched in Pretoria, Capetown and Durban, denouncing rampant corruption. The anti-corruption activists say the march was in support of transparent funding models for South Africa’s political parties. They say there is a need to bring an end to state-owned enterprises being used to benefit corrupt individuals. Since the African National Congress (ANC) took […]
Political Parties cheating people by giving seats for Corrupt Leaders – Political Leaders |10tv
For more information please click http://www.10tv.in/specials/headline-show/Political-Parties-cheating-people-by-giving-seats-for-Corrupt-Leaders-Political-Leaders-37280 http://www.10tv.in www.facebook.com/news10tv https://twitter.com/thetentv https://plus.google.com/+10tvIntelugunews/about/p/pub Video Rating: / 5
Government & Leadership Conference: Political Gridlock – The Political Reform Movement in America
This conversation, focused around political reform – is moderated by Bonnie Reiss, Global Director of the USC Schwarzenegger Institute, and the participants are: Kathay Feng, Executive Director of California Common Cause John C. Fortier, Director of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Democracy Project Jackie Salit, President of IndependentVoting.org Dorothy Siemon, Vice President of AARP’s Office of […]
Yankee Doodle Went To Town | Nursery Rhymes | American patriotic song | HooplaKidz
Watch HooplaKidz new show – The Adventures Of Annie And Ben http://vid.io/xqLG Watch the popular American patriotic song “Yankee Doodle Went To Town Nursery Rhymes” by HooplaKidz and have a Hoopla time !!! Lyrics to Sing Along :- ————————————- Yankee Doodle went to town, Riding on a Pony, Stuck a feather in his cap, And […]
Dr. Benjamin Carson Explains “Political Correctness is Dangerous” in Front of Barack Obama
2/7/13 – Dr. Benjamin Carson speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast More videos at: http://www.freedomslighthouse.net Video Rating: / 5