(Original Broadcast Date: December 19, 2012)
BUSHED! (Part 08) – Bush corruption scandals exposed
Sarah Palin summed up the Republican Party’s turn to Fascism perfectly when she mocked Senator Obama “Terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America … he’s [Obama] worried that someone won’t read them their rights.” I won’t take a back seat to flag-waving Republicans and their “patriotism.” Besides the fact that my son stood […]
HA81 Elite – Scared & in lock down for 3 hrs
O.W.O puts the so called HA81 Elites into lockdown for 3 + Hrs. N.W.O have the need to flood lobbies day in day out & only fight whilst they out number their rivals. This is what happens when O.W.O flood a lobby ( they hide like bitches). HA81 Far From Elite University of Gujrat is […]
Lawrence Lessig: Corrupt Congress a Farm League for K Street Lobbyists
Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/10/08/Lawrence_Lessig_on_Institutional_Corruption Stanford law professor Lawrence Lessig makes a sweeping indictment of the relationship between special interest groups, their lobbyists, and Capitol Hill politicians. “Members, staffers and bureaucrats increasingly have a common business model in their head as they serve in Washington,” says Lessig. “The business model is focused on their life after […]
Political Dissertation
Political essay writing is part of academic coursework for students who are in political field. Writing of political essay requires the student to be familiar with the field they are assigned and also to have a background knowledge about their field of study. Academic essay writing has turned to be the hardest profession where students […]
Children’s Patriotic Songs
USA: Armed militia defend Bundy ranch from “government corruption”
Video ID: 20140424 003 M/S Jonathan Q. Logan shooting rifle bushmaster C/U Jonathan Q. Logan shooting rifle bushmaster M/S Target M/S Jonathan Q. Logan shooting rifle bushmaster C/U Jonathan Q. Logan shooting rifle bushmaster M/S Jonathan Q. Logan shooting rifle bushmaster SOT, Jonathan Q. Logan, militia member (in English): “Right now we are in an […]
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto on Implementing Reforms in Mexico
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto joins CFR Co-Chairman Robert E. Rubin to discuss Mexico’s reform progress. Having passed wide-ranging reforms in the areas of labor, education, finance, tax, telecommunications, energy, and governmental structure, Peña Nieto describes the process of implementing these reforms and their intended results. Economic growth, he says, is forecast to reach 2.7 […]
Crooked Politicians (feat. Alfonzo Rachel) by Nate Smoove
Sick of LYING POLITICIANS? This is the song for you. Crooked Politicians, This song was created out of being frustrated with these lying crooked politicians. A never ending story. Buy Crooked Politicians @ http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/natesmoove13 Written & Produced by Nate Smoove Rants by Alfonzo Rachel They’re called “ghosts on the payroll”, people who get a paycheck […]
[229] How Kerry Sold Out, California Bans NDAA, Lavish Bribes for Congress, Financing Syria War
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on the Evolution of John Kerry’s Love for War, an NDAA Update with Chris Hedges, Lavish Getaways for US Lawmakers, and Financing a War with Syria. LIKE Breaking the Set @ http://fb.me/BreakingTheSet FOLLOW Abby Martin @ http://twitter.com/AbbyMartin EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin recalls how […]