The Sunday Times described Hitchens as “Usually armed with a glass of Scotch and an untipped Rothmans cigarette.” In late 2007 he briefly gave up smoking, although resumed during the writing of his memoir and continued until his cancer diagnosis. Hitchens admitted to drinking heavily; in 2003 he wrote that his daily intake of alcohol […]
The Prostituting of the Government – A Look at Elliot Spitzer
It is amazing sometimes the utter hypocrisy in government. As an example let me use the former Attorney General of New York, Mr. Elliot Spitzer, who was to be the savior of corporate corruption. He build his political career promising to take a bite out of corporate crime and return faith to the markets and […]
El Paso Democratic Party.wmv
El Paso, Texas is going through the the largest public corruption scandal in history yet we have done nothing.. The corruption has been facilitated by the straight Democrat ticket voters that continue to elect more corrupt elected officials each and every election. Voting for the same party and expecting a different result is just the […]
How Corrupt Are U.S. Politicians? Money in Politics, Integrity & Finance (2002)
Charles Lewis is an investigative journalist based in Washington D.C. Lewis founded The Center for Public Integrity and several other nonprofit organizations and is currently the executive editor of the Investigative Reporting Workshop at the American University School of Communication in D.C. He was an investigative producer for ABC News and the CBS news program […]
Maajid Nawaz and Dave Rubin Discuss the Regressive Left & Political Correctness [Full Interview]
Maajid Nawaz (author and activist) joins Dave Rubin to discuss his new book with Sam Harris, ‘Islam and the Future of Tolerance,’ the ‘regressive left,’ political correctness, the Syrian refugee crisis and much more. ***Subscribe: Watch more on Ora TV: Subscribe: Comment below or tweet to Dave at ****** Maajid Nawaz […]
Legal Corruption In US Corporate Government – America Loves It
***ORIGINAL UPLOAD BY RTAmerica*** Permission to repost granted. October 27, 2010 Capitol Hill insiders in the US are allegedly using and abusing their positions to make some extra pocket money. According to The Wall Street Journal, many are taking advantage of their knowledge of markets which they often have direct influence over — and it […]
LET US RISE – Documentary As a concerned Irish citizen I have taken a keen interest in governmental reform and created this documentary based on uncovering ways to peacefully overcome the challenges that the people of this great nation are facing today. This journey takes a new and active look at the mechanisms that were left behind from the […]
Russia: Putin meets Bastrykin about tackling financial crime
The head of Russia’s Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin wants the law changed to improve their work combating economic crime, he told Russian President Vladimir Putin, in Moscow, Thursday. —————————————————————————————————— To use this footage please contact the Ruptly Client Desk: Video ID: 20150226-037 ———————————- Twitter: VK: Facebook: LiveLeak: Vine: Instagram: […]
Political parties, police most corrupt institutions: Transparency International Report
Political parties and police are the most corrupt institutions in Nepal, said a report produced by Transparency International, the anti corruption organisation.
Cronyism, Corruption and Government Power
“Cronyism,” a new rallying cry in all political quarters, is now being offered as a reason not only to restrict free speech but to impose “income equality” on the grounds that the rich obtain their wealth only through “gaming” the system. Is there any truth to the claims that our government is corrupt and cronyism […]