Always common people humanity and fundamental rights of living are killed brutally. Utterance of the poor against wide area fatal corruption around in India The Ministers, politics and leader of country, officers and departments are dive in the ocean of corruption and exploitation. Poor people should leaded by the true intellect like Anna Hazare. They […]
Ukrainian Mob Tosses Corrupt Politician Into Dumpster Are US politicians corrupt? politician corrupt US USA McCain Barack Obama Ron Paul George Bush Palin Couric bailout martial law recession
Wynyard Financial Crime Analytics Explained
An overview of Wynyard Group’s financial crime analytics Video Rating: / 5
Political Lables Are a Fraud These Days (Probably Always Have Been Too?)
Time to move beyond the “Left” v “Right” – “Liberal v Conservative” – “Tory – Labour” false duality which has been presented to us as freedom of choice when it is just the same old Psychopathic Control Grid puppetmasters behind the scenes repackaged every four years or so. Voting for Independent candidates in local elections […]
Crooked Mayor and his Harleys Part 2 – Shady Politics and Government Disfunction
When Scott Lewis confronted the mayor about his misuse of police motorcycles he tried to shoot down the story. Maybe he should have talked to his underlings first, so they could get their stories straight. Visit Scott: Website Facebook Twitter When politicians in Metro Detroit saw Scott Lewis heading their way with […]
“Expendable”: The harrowing case of innocent Schapelle Corby. I downloaded this video from You can download this video using this is the harrowing story Schapelle Corby, a young woman wrongly convicted of drug trafficking. Corrupt baggage handlers put cannabis in her luggage at an Australian airport. The Australian Police and Government knew that this sort of wicked corruption was happening […]
Ukrainians threw one corrupt politician into the rubbish dump outside the parliament………..
Ukrainians threw one corrupt politician into the rubbish dump outside the parliament…………!!! Pls pass this on till it happens in India. Wow… When will this happen in India — Video Rating: / 5 “A major character in a legendary congressional corruption scandal has been hiding out by the docks in Baltimore under an assumed name […]
100 Examples of GOP Corruption, Lies, and Ignorance (Part 3)
I am a republican. The behavior of my party over the last 6 years has been deplorable. Their biggest flaw is their failure to admit to their mistakes. They are embroiled in corruption scandal after corruption scandal, yet still have the audacity to deny this “Culture of Corruption”. Fine. I assembled this list of 100 […]
South Africa’s Democratic Alliance Vows to Stop Corruption Ahead of Election
There are just 29 days to go to South Africa’s general elections. Election fever is in full swing, and the gloves are off between the ruling ANC and the main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance. The DA is airing an advert in which it accuses President Jacob Zuma, who is also the African National Congress, […]
India’s Bid For UNSC Seat Reaches Crucial Stage
The G-4 bloc of India, Japan, Brazil and Germany will give a “strong push” to inter- governmental negotiations for achieving early UNSC reform when its leaders meet for a summit today. Follow us: YouTube: Twitter: Facebook: Video Rating: / 5