William F. Jasper, senior editor of The New American magazine, warns that Washington’s ruling class must not be allowed to enjoy special breaks from the burdensome laws it imposes on the rest of us — such as ObamaCare. According to Legistorm, a Capitol Hill non-profit that tracks information about Congress, the US Congress broke the […]
PDP Wants To Reduce Corruption If Party Gets Second Term
Despite moving up eight places, Nigeria still ranked 136 out of 175 countries in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index for 2014. Goodluck Jonathan’s People’s Democratic Party says it will work closely with the judiciary to tackle corruption if voted in for another term. Party spokesman Olisa Methu discusses these plans.
Stephen Fry Talks about political correctness
Stephen fry talks about political correctness on some radio show. This guy is seriously clever and has some great insights. Video Rating: / 5 Dave Rubin is joined by comedians Felicia Michaels and Jimmy Dore to discuss the need to fight political correctness, and why we need more counter culture comedy right now. ***Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RubinReport […]
[235] Congress Redefines Journalism, Rocky Anderson’s Red Line to Impeach Obama
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Redefining Journalism, Alternative Policies with Rocky Anderson, and a Holocaust of Honey Bees. LIKE Breaking the Set @ http://fb.me/BreakingTheSet FOLLOW Abby Martin @ http://twitter.com/AbbyMartin EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin remarks on a push by Congress to redefine what it means to be a […]
Government corruption: Officials in China arrested for misspending funds on prostitutes
Government officers in China’s northeast province of Heilongjiang have been arrested on charges of misspending government funds on hookers. One of the officers, identified by his last name Wang, has been nicknamed “Little Hot Pepper” by the group of Russian prostitutes he and his followers often patronized. Wang earned his nickname from his sexual preferences. […]
A Crime of High-Treason by Congress : Join The Resistance
If You Plan on Surviving, Then Plan on Fighting August 4, 2011 • 3:52 PM The creation of a twelve person “Super Congress,” to supposedly resolve a “debt ceiling crisis,” was a cowardly act of treason by the majority of the U.S. Congress. The truth of this matter must be told far and wide: what […]
Crooked I Breaks Down All The Politics In HipHop
http://wshhvids.blogspot.com Dead Wrong: Picture Roast 2014 (He Violated These People) This Is Harsh: Picture Roast Pt. 3 (Going In Once Again With The Jokes) How McNuggets Are Really Made! Dutch Beer Commercial Featuring Tupac, Bruce Lee, Marilyn Monroe, Kurt Cobain & Elvis! Hot Sauce Does It Again: Breaking Ankles.. His Own Teammates Ran Off The […]
What’s More American? patriotic montage
I thought it would be fun to take this wonderful song, sung by Bing Crosby, and set images to it to create a patriotic montage. Hope you enjoy. Video Rating: / 5 http://littlegoldenrecords.com/ Purchase Tracks Here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/golden-records-presents-american/id653674280 Parents’ Choice Gold award-winning Golden Records children’s music collection shows off its stars and stripes with Golden Records […]
Corrupt Politicians of Pakistan | A Must Watch Video
Want to know about the corruption of Politicians of Pakistan. How they are eating our taxes money, shame on you!
Prime Minister Dion? Political Fraud or Coup d’etat?
Liberal caucus has decided that Dion would be the leader of a coalition government should Canadian’s political choice of just a month ago be trumped by the power hungry Liberal Party of Canada. Canadians have elected the Conservatives, our Prime Minister is Stephen Harper. These steps are being taken to ensure the Liberals have the […]