“The total support of the military-industrial complex and empire by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton is staggering,” Ralph Nader tells Reason TV. “Everybody has an equal right to run for election. We’re either all spoilers of one another, trying to get votes from one another or none of us are spoilers. We’re not second-class citizens […]
Anti-Corruption Activist Says Political Party Fees Behind Corrupt Lawmakers
Video Rating: / 5 Join us for “Change ” http://www.NizamBadlo.com/ http://www.Facebook.com/NizamBadlo Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has directed the workers of Minhaj-ul-Quran International and Pakistan Awami Tehreek to launch mass contact campaign to bring about change in the system and make ten million people members of MQI. He said that the present system, which has been […]
Political Custom Research
Are you looking for a website where you can get high quality political essay? Are you looking for a trustworthy and reliable online company to offer you with political essays? Then know that this is a legitimate company where you can find flawless political essays. For a student to write a good political essay he […]
Political Correctness and the Argument from Intimidation | Thomas E. Woods. Jr.
Recorded at the Mises Circle in Dallas-Fort Worth on 3 October 2015. Includes an introduction by Jeff Deist. Special thanks to Klaas and Anastasia Talsma for making this event possible. Video Rating: / 5 Teal’s Web page: http://tealswan.com/ Teal’s Meditations: http://www.jointeallive.com/meditations/ Teal’s e-shop: https://gumroad.com/tealswan Subscribe to Teal’s newsletters here: http://thespiritualcatalyst.us6.list-manage2.com/subscribe?u=a0c9fbd5534138eb374993029&id=bebf0eebc3 Political correctness… language, actions, or […]
Truth vs Hype: Can electoral reforms clean up corrupt politicians?
The anti-corruption movement has signalled a new target, one which many believe could hold the key to solving corruption: political reforms. Political parties are now finally making the right noises about this long dormant project. But as we shall see, this is an infinitely more difficult task than bringing in the Lokpal Bill because political […]
Live! Trump Bans Muslims, Falwell, Conservative Religion, Political Correctness
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Patriotic Sand Art – America’s Got Talent Season 7 Joe Castillo Audition
Joe Castillo paints a masterpiece using only sand. » Get The America’s Got Talent App: http://bit.ly/AGTApp » Subscribe for More: http://bit.ly/AGTSub » More AGT on NBC.com: http://www.nbc.com/americas-got-talent/ AMERICA’S GOT TALENT ON SOCIAL Like AGT: https://www.facebook.com/nbcagt Follow AGT: https://twitter.com/nbcagt AGT Tumblr: http://nbcagt.tumblr.com/ AGT Google+: https://plus.google.com/+nbcagt/posts AGT on Pinterest: http://full.sc/LMUw0U AGT Instagram: http://instagram.com/nbcagt As part of NBC’s […]
Conservative groups targeted becuase of “anti-Obama rhetoric” according to new IRS documents
Newly discovered IRS documents show the agency deliberately targeted conservative and Tea Party groups based on the content of their literature, especially it contained “anti-Obama rhetoric,” inflammatory language or “emotional” statements. The internal 2011 documents were obtained by USA TODAY and identify 162 groups by name. IRS attorneys labeled the groups’ political, lobbying and advocacy […]
NJSBA on benefits and funding reform.MP4
Michael Vrancik, director of governmental relations for the New Jersey School Boards Association, speaks about benefits/pension reform and school funding at the March 26, 2011 meeting in Trenton of NJSBA’s Legislative Committee.