You can directly support Crash Course at Subscribe for as little as to keep up with everything we’re doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content. In which John Green teaches you about the early days of the […]
Government Corruption
Government Corruption Video Rating: / 5 Please join us urgently to demand the end of corruption and impunity, as well as justice for people of Gabon: We will be releasing a twitter storm package in support of the «Forum des Indignés du Gabon» (Forum of indignants of Gabon) and the people of Gabon victims of […]
Spoiled Rotten How the Politics of Patronage Corrupted the Once Noble Democratic Party and Now Threa
Video Rating: / 5
Why Should Congress Enjoy Special ObamaCare Subsidies?
William F. Jasper, senior editor of The New American magazine, warns that Washington’s ruling class must not be allowed to enjoy special breaks from the burdensome laws it imposes on the rest of us — such as ObamaCare. More news at: Facebook: Twitter: Video Rating: / 5
Congress Abhishek Shukla Allahabad (UP) Crime.DAT
Abhishek Shukla ( Youth Congress President Allahabad ) having an illegal Weapon ( Katta Pistol Model ) Threating Innocent People in Public Place. Other Person in Video are Deepu Sahu & Abhishek Raawat ( BSP Leader Allahabad ) Video Rating: / 5
Do Big Unions Buy Politicians?
Who poses the biggest threat to America’s economy by striking deals with crooked politicians? Big Oil, Big Pharma, or Big Unions? Daniel DiSalvo, political science professor at the City College of New York, gives the answer. You can support Prager University by clicking Free videos are great, but to continue producing high-quality content, even small contributions […]
Evil Corrupt Politician
Jimmy Dore introduces Ben Mankiewicz , Stefane Zamorano, Robert Yasumura. Jimmy Dore covers various topics, Need for Speed, Obama’s Interview with Zach Galifianakis, Edward Snowden, CPAC, and much more. Video Rating: / 5
Mark Levin reveals ‘missing history’ of the racist Democratic Party THAT IS NOW THE COMMUNIST PARTY
Mark Levin reveals ‘missing history’ of the racist Democratic Party THAT IS NOW THE COMMUNIST PARTY CHARLOTTE COUNTY ,FLORIDA ,SHERIFF, CORRUPTION Video Rating: / 5 Speaking on Real Time with Bill Maher, Harvard professor and Democratic presidential hopeful Lawrence Lessig explains why it is irrelevant whoever wins the presidency until Congress is […]
Vishal confronts corrupt politician – Satyam Kollywood.. Anytime, Anywhere! Video Rating: / 5 Abhishek Anand the protagonist of the film is harassed by the corrupt politician & his career is destroyed. Abhishek Anand then converts into a Pandit, a goon who only fights with corrupt politician and his brothers to take revenge. To watch more log on to For […]
Grand Theft Auto V | Trio’s reaction to government corruption
See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil. GRAND THEFT AUTO V!/tid=CUSA00419_00 Video Rating: / 5