We desperately need the brand of public servants that our founders, the authors of the Constitution envisioned—the kind of statesmen that will go to Congress to serve. These would be citizen public servants who would go to Washington to serve their neighbors and their country for a limited time only. They would temporarily leave their citizen pursuits to serve briefly, bringing their everyday heartland common sense with them, then return home to live among those neighbors after having completed their citizen responsibilities—to live under the laws they have just passed. Why does this sound so bizarre today? In a country where Presidents can stay a maximum of eight years, these hangers on think they should have lifetime tenure. We believe that four (4) two (2) year terms or an eight (8) year maximum for the House of Representative and two (2) six (6) year terms or a twelve year maximum for the Senate is adequate for eliminating the career politicians. We think these term limits would be fair and reasonable for the incumbent politicians and also for the kind of citizen servants we seek, who see service in Washington as a duty, not a privilege.
We now have a God-given chance and most likely our one and only opportunity to change the direction in which our nation is headed. The American people are just waiting on someone to lead them. If we American citizens fail to seize this moment by providing the leadership to get term limits, a balanced budget amendment and tax reform instituted, then history will judge us harshly. Our children and their children will judge us harshly also. It is very likely that we will not be given another chance! This is a great article on Term Limits for Congress!
For more information on term limits, please go to: www.termlimits.com
Would the Amendment Solve America’s Economic Problems?
A balanced budget amendment will not guarantee sound economic policy. All it would do is make it difficult for politicians to finance their spending by borrowing money. The supporters of a balanced budget amendment believe that restricting debt will result in smaller government, and most scholarly evidence demonstrates that the economy will grow faster if the size of government is reduced. It is also possible, however, that a simple balanced budget requirement could lead politicians to finance their spending through higher taxes. Such financing policies almost certainly would reduce the positive effects on the economy’s performance. Therefore, because of lower incomes, lost jobs, and smaller profits, tax increases have never generated the increased amount of new revenues that the politicians have expected; thus, a balanced budget amendment could set in motion a dismal cycle of more taxes, followed by more debt, followed by more taxes, followed by more debt, and so on.
It is imperative to try and maximize the possible economic benefits of a balanced budget amendment. Therefore, politicians will need to include a strong tax limitation provision such as a supermajority vote requirement. It should make it as difficult for politicians to raise revenue by increasing taxes as it will be to raise revenue by issuing debt. A tax limitation / balanced budget amendment would help to ensure that the end result will be a smaller government which will equate to more freedom for all American citizens.
For this reason, requiring a supermajority in order to raise taxes to balance the budget is critical. More specifically, a supermajority means there would be no bias in favor of tax-financed spending, and the likelihood of a continuing upward spiral of taxes and debt would be greatly diminished.
For more information regarding a balanced budget amendment, please go to: www.bbayes.org
For a Tax Limitation/Balanced Budget Amendment, go here: Why a Tax Limitation/Balanced Budget Amendment
The overly complicated U.S. tax code creates an unnecessary burden upon all Americans, with an annual compliance cost estimated to be $365 billion. The 175,000 + pages or 9 million plus word tax code is complex; unfair; inhibits saving, investment, and job creation; and imposes a heavy burden on families. At the same time, the federal tax code distorts investment decisions and reduces economic growth. The code is so complex because of the excessive number of deductions, credits, and other preferences added to the tax code by special interest groups, lobbyists and large corporations. With all of these loopholes, taxpayers with similar incomes can pay vastly different amounts in taxes. This uneven treatment of the American taxpayers is fundamentally unfair and is totally at odds with the American value of equality under the law. This ridiculously complex tax code must be replaced with a new code that is simple, low, flat, fair, and honest in order to promote economic growth while at the same time removing all the disparities in the tax code.
For more information regarding the proposed flat tax, please go to: www.heritage.org